CELA 2023 Conference Logo Competition Won by BLA student Shayla Spalding
Congratulations to Bachelor of Landscape Architecture student, Shayla Spalding who won the graphic design competition for the 2023 Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture annual conference.
Image above: CELA graphic image created by BLA student, Shayla Spalding.
Align | Realign: Dialogues between Academic Pursuits and Professional Demand, is the theme of the 2023 CELA Conference to be held in San Antonio, Texas from March 16-19. The conference theme explores these relationships, investigating the overlaps and misalignments between what is both taught and researched in academia compared to what the professional market demands. Submissions to the Align | Realign theme track include research or scholarly inquiries related to comparisons or synergies between design education and professional needs, collaborative research and/or design projects, design impact measurements and techniques, student placement or student skills vs. needs in the workplace, software taught vs. software used in practice, advisory board interactions and activities with programs, or other related phenomena.