
Landscape Architecture: A Recognized STEM Discipline in Canada

The School of Environmental Design and Rural Development is very proud to have accredited graduate and undergraduate programs in Landscape Architecture, now recognized as a STEM discipline. More than an honorary title; it reflects the comprehensive blend of expertise landscape architects contribute.

A man holding a tablet to view interactive augmented reality exhibit

"WINTERACTION“ Hybrid Installation at 2024 Winter Stations International Design Competition

Congratulations to the "WINTERACTION" team of BLA and MLA Landscape Architecture students in collaboration with the AshariArchitects team and a team of tech professionals, who designed the first hybrid art installation for the 2024 Winter Stations International Design Competition. Eight installations were unveiled on February 20th, 2023, and will remain on view at Woodbine Beach until April 2nd, 2023.

Rural Symposium - March 5, 2024

The Rural Symposium is an annual opportunity for University of Guelph graduate students to showcase their rural research to policymakers, policy analysts, and program staff from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA). The event facilitates knowledge mobilization and network building between graduate students at the University of Guelph, researchers, and OMAFRA. The 2024 Rural Symposium will take place on March 5 from 9.00 am - 3.00 pm. 

Our Sympathies: Kenneth A. Mitchell (BLA 1998)

The Landscape Architecture program in the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development is saddened to hear of the passing of Kenneth A. Mitchell, who died at age 49 after a five-year battle with ALS.  Ken graduated from the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture program in 1998.  He was a tremendously talented student during his time at the University of Guelph. 

SEDRD Members Elected to the CRRF Board of Directors

SEDRD will be well represented on the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation (CRRF) after three graduate students were elected to the board of directors at the November annual general meeting. Josh Barrett (PhD Candidate in Rural Studies) was elected President, and Danika Hammond (MSc in Rural Planning and Development) and Jeff Reichheld (PhD Candidate in Rural Studies) were elected as a board members for a two-year term.

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