
Precarious Employment in Rural Ontario

In collaboration with colleagues from around Ontario and OMAFRA, the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development's Dr. Lauzon and Rural Studies PhD student Valencia Gaspard are pursuing a project reviewing the impacts of precarious employment on the social, emotional and physical health of rural communities in Ontario. This project's outcomes will be useful in crafting rural policy and programs, mitigating the negative impact of precarious employment trends, and better understanding holistic community health.

"Studio Vantage" - Issue One "Paradox" Released

The students of the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development at the University of Guelph announce the release of Studio Vantage ISSUE 1 - Paradox.  See attachment.  

Guiding Canada’s Future Investment in Rural Infrastructure - Gibson Testifies to Senate Committee

What is the future role for the Government of Canada in rural infrastructure? Dr. Ryan Gibson presented to the Senate Committee on National Finance regarding rural infrastructure investment. The Senate Committee has been studying the design and delivery of the government’s infrastructure commitment, and has asked for comments to address the effects of future infrastructure investments on rural development in Canada.

Mobilizing Knowledge through Radio and Podcasts

How can researchers share their knowledge with communities and regions in a more useful format? A recent workshop in St John's, Newfoundland explored this exact topic. Fifteen people from across Canada and Scotland joined for the Radio/Podcast Workshop that explored how to use audio storytelling skills to share knowledge. The two-day workshop helped participants understand what makes a good story, how to conduct an interview, what makes for a good sound recording, and how all the different elements of an audio story come together.

Sheri Longboat to be on Water Sustainability Panel Discussion with Ontario Deputy Environmental Commissioner

Professor Sheri Longboat in the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development will be among a panel of University of Guelph professors to join the Ontario Deputy Environmental Commissioner at the upcoming Hammond Lecture and Sustainability Symposium on Water Sustainability.

‎When: Wednesday April 19, 2017
Time: 2:00 to 5:00 pm
Where: Delta Inn Guelph, 50 Stone Road West

Please see attached advertisement for the event.

All are welcome to attend!

Gibson Shares Insights in Social Media and Knowledge Mobilization Webinar

On March 15, 2017, researchers explored how you can use social media more effectively to engage your stakeholders and encourage knowledge mobilization between partners and colleagues. A six-person panel put a spotlight on some of the successful social media initiatives from across the country. The webinar included presentations from:

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