
SEDRD Instructor Featured in Landscape Architecture Magazine

Landscape Architecture Instructor, Nadia Amoroso is featured in the December 2013 issue of the Magazine of the American Society of Landscape Architects.  The article (on page 54), entitled "Life Comes to Maps. New Tools find Intriguing Patterns Hidden Right in Front of You" features her work as Co-Founder of DataAppeal.  DataAppeal translates numerical information into three-dimensional shapes, colours and textures.  The DataAppeal models are then fed into Google Earth, which is being used as the primary program for sharing geospatial data with the public.

SEDRD Students Receive OAC Awards

The Ontario Agricultural College Fall Awards Celebration were held on November 19 and 26, 2013.  This annual event provides a special opportunity to recognize OAC students who have made outstanding contributions through their academic performance, leadership and community spirit.  

The School of Environmental Design and Rural Development students received the following awards:

Undergraduate Award Recipients:

SEDRD Partners with Gateway Rural Health Research Institute

Gateway RHRI and the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development, Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph

Seaforth, Ontario - Gateway RHRI is pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development, Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph at the Huron East Health Centre, 32B Centennial Drive, Seaforth, on Friday, October 25, 2013 at 1 p.m.

RPD Alumni Speaks About Climate Change Adaptation in Northern Ghana Enhanced

RPD Alumni and former CFRU 93.3 Volunteer Coordinator Elizabeth Nadurille and colleague Sylvie Harrison at Farm Radio International talk about their work in the project "Climate Change Adaptation in Northern Ghana Enhanced", also known as the CHANGE project. Here are their audio postcards from the FRI website:

SEDRD Student Photo Competition

We invite SEDRD students to submit photos for the SEDRD Photo Competition that profile the School, your program, research and other University related activities. You may submit as many photos as you like into the following three categories which are intended to capture the diversity of the School:

A.      Canadian Landscape/Community
B.      Foreign Landscape/ Community
C.      Students in Action (in the field or in our building).

The top photo in each category will receive a $50 gift certificate! (location of your choice)

Master of Landscape Architecture Students Design Maitland River Plans

Master of Landscape Architecture Students at the University of Guelph were featured in the article entitled "Landscape Architecture Students Design Maitland River Plans". The 2nd year graduate students will be producing conceptual plans in their environmental design course with Professor Robert Corry.

Studies Show a Growing Demand for Ethno-Cultural Vegetables in the Greater Toronto Area

Professor Glen Filson of the Capacity Development and Extension program at the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development, University of Guelph is quoted in the CBC News article entitled "Demand grows for exotic veggies as nation's palate changes.  Immigration fuelling multimillion dollar demand for locally grown world crops".



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