
Cecelia Paine serves as Toronto Urban Design Award Juror

June 13-14, Professor Cecelia Paine, FCSLA, FASLA, OALA, served as a design juror for the 2013 Toronto Urban Design Awards. In addition to Paine, the jury included an urban designer, two architects and a journalist from across Canada.   In total, the jurors reviewed 90 professional entries and 30 student entries. The purpose of the awards is to recognize designers and developers who contribute to the creation of great public spaces.  The Awards Ceremony will take place the evening of Wednesday, September 11, 2013.

Recent MLA graduate to present thesis at ECLAS conference in Germany

Desiree Valadares (MLA 2013), advised by Nate Perkins and Sean Kelly, has been accepted to present her graduate thesis at the 2013 ECLAS (European Council for Landscape Architecture Schools) Conference this September in Hamburg, Germany.  Her thesis involved the compilation of a landscape biography of Ontario Place, a neglected modernist landscape along Toronto's post-industrial waterfront.

Jim Taylor Keynote Speaker of IFLA Africa Symposium

Jim Taylor FCSLA FASLA FCELA, is an invited keynote speaker for the IFLA Africa Symposium to be held from October 14 to 18, 2013 in Logos, Nigeria.  The symposium theme is People and Landscapes and will receive papers on environmental philosophy and theory; productive regional landscapes; urban landscapes; cultural landscapes; and politics, policies and landscape development.  Professor Taylor has served as the Chair of the IFLA Africa Committee responsible for advancing the profession on the continent. 

Datascapes: Landscapes of Information-Mapping the Invisible

Nadia Amoroso, Adjunct Professor at the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development and Co-Founder of Datascapes, will be teaching a one-week professional development credit course "Landscapes of Information - Mapping the Invisible" in Las Vegas, Nevada from August 3-9, 2013.  For more information please see vist the CELA website.

SEDRD Contributes to Smallholder Agriculture

SEDRD faculty member, Helen Hambly, will be in the Democratic Republic of Congo in early July to collaborate with College d'Alfred's project "Makala Renouvelable-DRC" which works local partners in Ibi-village to support smallholder agriculture and forestry for poverty reduction. DRC has one of the lowest Gross Domestic Project (GDP) per capita in the world, but has some of Africa's most extensive natural resources.

Dr. Helen Hambly to present paper at "Our Media" in Dublin, Ireland

Dr. Helen Hambly will present a paper entitled "Participatory and Citizen Approaches to Video-Mediated Communication for Social and Environmental Change in Rural and Northern Canada" to the practitioner's forum "Our Media" which leads the annual meeting of the International Association of Media and Communication Research held in Dublin, Ireland, June 23-29, 2013.

Post-Doc, Dr. Ataharul Chowdhury Presented Research to SSHRC Congress

SEDRD Post-Doc, Dr. Ataharul Chowdhury presented his work at the 2013 SSHRC Congress.  Social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, are widely used for community engagement, but in a presentation to the Environmental Studies Association of Canada during the SSHRC Congress on June 3, 2013, in Victoria, BC, results from his research suggest that social media for agri-food innovation in Ontario can be vastly improved.

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