LA Professor recipient of 2021 OALA Honorary Membership
At this year’s Ontario Association of Landscape Architects Award ceremony, 2021 CSLA-OALA Congress (May 27 – 29), SEDRD Professor, Dr. Karen Landman, was bestowed with an Honorary Membership to the OALA. This is an award for individuals whom OALA Council wishes to recognize for outstanding contributions in their own fields to improving the quality of natural and human environments.
Dr. Karen Landman
Karen was noted for imparting a deep understanding of the land, its potential, people’s response to it, and an unparalleled knowledge of plant material and culture to her students – which, she continues and remains arguably one of Canada’s ‘go to’ persons for a legion of landscape architectural graduates since she starting teaching in the early 2000s. Her own interests have become key, and for some, critical ‘knowledge domains’ for landscape architecture today, and demand for these are expected to increase in the future. Karen is considered one of our profession’s foremost thinkers, as she pushes the boundaries of what landscape architecture constitutes by advocating landscape regeneration, community ‘food’, climate and environmental change, and place-based well-being, to name a few. Congratulations to Karen on this significant honor.
For more information please visit the 2021 OALA Honorary Award announcement.