SEDRD Members Elected to the CRRF Board of Directors
SEDRD will be well represented on the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation (CRRF) after three graduate students were elected to the board of directors at the November annual general meeting. Josh Barrett (PhD Candidate in Rural Studies) was elected President, and Danika Hammond (MSc in Rural Planning and Development) and Jeff Reichheld (PhD Candidate in Rural Studies) were elected as a board members for a two-year term.
The Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation was established in 1989 to contribute to the revitalization and sustainability of rural Canada through collaborative research for rural leaders in the community, private sector, and in all levels of government. CRRF works to create credible insights and to improve our understanding of issues and opportunities that are of common interest to rural residents across Canada. Knowledge and better understanding are the fundamental pillars for the welfare of rural communities and environments. CRRF is an organization comprised of members from across Canada, with diverse international links, representing rural leaders, rural organizations, development practitioners, government policy makers, researchers, students, and other stakeholders interested in the future of rural Canada. Learn more about it at the CRRF website.