Dave Guyadeen

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PhD (Planning), University of Waterloo
MPA, University of Western Ontario
Bio Summary
Dave Guyadeen is an Associate Professor with practical and academic experience in the field of planning. He is a Registered Professional Planner (RPP) in the province of Ontario. His professional experiences include working as a land use policy planner at the regional and local levels of government. Dave’s research focuses on the implementation and evaluation of planning initiatives and other municipal plans, such as community official plans, climate change plans, master transportation plans, strategic plans, etc. He is specifically interested in examining conceptions of what it means to produce high quality plans and designing monitoring and evaluation frameworks for assessing the outcomes of planning, plans and other initiatives. Dave has taught at several planning schools across Canada and strives to actively engage his students in their learning by highlighting the linkages between planning theory and planning practice.
Affiliations and Partnerships
- Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP)
- Ontario Professional Planners Institute (OPPI)
Current Funded Projects
1. Evaluating transportation policies and practices in Canada's most populous municipalities.
This is a SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grant (2021) funded project that involves assessing practices currently used to integrate transportation policies in municipal land use planning documents and approaches to measuring the success of transportation policies and practices.
2. Evaluating Rural Municipal Climate Adaptation Planning in Ontario.
This is a SSHRC Insight Development Grant (2019-2021) funded project that evaluates how well Canadian rural municipalities are planning to adapt to climate change risks through an evaluation of municipal official planning documents.
3. Evaluating climate change adaptation in Ontario mid-sized cities.
This is a SSHRC Institutional Explore Grant (2021-2023) funded project that involves developing a systematic framework for collecting and analysing evidence on climate adaptation in Canadian mid-sized cities.
4. Ontario Rural Non-Farm Development.
This is an OMAFRA-University of Guelph (2019-2023) funded project that assesses the impacts of lot creation (severance) policies through a province-wide evaluation of severance applications across Ontario between 2010 and 2019.
Graduate Student Supervision
Graduate students play an active and important role in Dave’s research. The level of student engagement will vary based on project funding and project scope. Students can expect to take lead and collaborative roles with Dave in conducting literature reviews, data collection (e.g., retrieving different kinds of information), analysing data using a variety of programs (e.g., NVivo, SPSS, etc.) and techniques (quantitative and qualitative approaches), and participate in knowledge mobilization (e.g., through theses, major research papers, scholarly journal publications, trade publications, etc.). Dave is interested in working with students who have a keen interest in evaluation, planning policy and climate change planning.
Featured Publications
2023. “Evaluating rural municipal climate change plans in Ontario, Canada”, Journal of Rural Studies. [w/ Daniel Henstra]
2023. “Evaluating the quality of municipal strategic plans”, Evaluation and Program Planning. [w/ Daniel Henstra, Shivani Kaup, and Grace Wright]
2022. “The Evaluation Marketplace in Canada: What Qualifications Do Employers Demand?”, The Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation. [w/ Daniel Henstra and Hanna Holman]
2022. “Evaluating the integration of transportation planning in municipal official plans,” Planning Practice and Research. [w/ Lindsey McCain and Daniel Henstra]
2021. “Evaluating transportation policies and practices in Canada’s largest municipalities,” (SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Report). [w/ Lindsey McCain and Daniel Henstra]
2021. “Competing in the planning marketplace: An analysis of qualifications demanded by municipal planning recruiters,” Journal of Planning Education and Research, Online – Open Access. [w/Daniel Henstra]
2021. “Assessing rural municipal climate change planning in Ontario,” OPPI Blog (Ontario Professional Planners Institute).
2020. “What qualifications does the planning profession demand?,” Y Magazine (Ontario Professional Planners Institute). [w/ Daniel Henstra]
2019. “Evaluating the quality of municipal official plans in the Ontario-Greater Golden Horseshoe Region, Canada,” Journal of Planning Education and Research, Online August 2019.
2018. “Evaluating the quality of municipal climate change plans in Canada,” Climatic Change, 152 (1), 121-143. [w/ Jason Thistlethwaite and Daniel Henstra]
2018. “Do practicing planners value plan quality: Insights from a survey of planning professionals in Ontario, Canada,” Journal of the American Planning Association, 84(1), 21-32.
2016. “Evaluation theory and practice: Comparing program evaluation and evaluation in planning,” Journal of Planning Education & Research, 38(1), 98-110. [w/ Mark Seasons]
2016. “Plan evaluation: Challenges and directions for future research,” Planning Practice & Research, 31(2), 215-228. [w/Mark Seasons]