James Shute

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- BA, Queen's University
- MA, Ph.D., Michigan State University
Dr. Shute taught communication, international development and rural extension studies at the UofG for 36 years before retiring in 2002.
He has lived in Ghana, Barbados, Australia and the UK with his family and has spent time in some 50 countries of Asia, Africa, Oceania, the Caribbean, the Middle East and Europe. He has been a consultant to CIDA, the World Bank, the Commonwealth, a number of non-governmental organizations and to several Canadian universities.
His publications concern mostly human resource development in developing countries and the internationalization of higher education.
He was made a Distinguished Professor at the University of Guelph in 1988, given the Distinguished Service Award in 2001 by the Canadian Bureau for International Education and in 2003 was awarded the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal.