Jana Janakiram

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- BSc, Madras University, India
- MSc, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India
- PhD, University of Western Australia, Australia
Jana joined the University of Guelph in 1991. Before immigrating to Canada he worked for the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture as a Principal Scientist and was based in Cameroon. Other countries he has worked in are Sierra Leone and Sri Lanka.
While being at SEDRD, Jana had obtained funding from CIDA and managed distance learning projects in Cameroon, India, Egypt and Russia. He also successfully partnered with a few universities in Canada to implement a project in Sri Lanka to address the livelihoods of farmers affected by the Tsunami.
Major interests are rural livelihoods, distance learning, rural extension and training, interpersonal and inter-cultural communication, project management and program evaluation.
He was appointed Professor Emeritus in 2011 and continues his interests with graduate students and international activities.