

Can an instructor schedule a mid-term examination or term test during the last week of classes?

Information about Mid-Term Examinations being schedule during the last five class days prior to the final examination period is in the Examinations policy in the sub-section Mid-Term Examinations at


Can anyone take a First Year Seminar course (UNIV*1200)?

** Please see December 2022 announcement regarding First Year Seminars at **

No, not everyone can take a First Year Seminar course (UNIV*1200). First Year Seminar courses are restricted to students currently in their first year. Specifically the restriction reads "Fewer than 5.00 credits." which means class level one or two on their Program/Academic Evaluation under Academic Profile on WebAdvisor.

Do I need to attend lectures and/or seminars for my courses?

Instructors will inform students of the attendance requirements for individual courses in accordance with the policy of the department or school.

NOTE: Students who do not attend classes regularly run the risk of being unable to complete the work of the semester. If a student is prevented from attending class due to medical or personal reasons they are advised to speak to the Program Counsellor.

How do I get a record of the tuition I have paid for my income tax return?

The Tuition and Education Amounts Certificate (T2202A) is available for printing through WebAdvisor. This is updated online by the end of January in the year following the year for which you are filing your income tax return (i.e. January 2008 for the 2007 filing).

How do I know if I have been granted a deferred assessment (examination or condition)?

If your course grade appears as "DEF" you have been granted a deferred assessment. If you submitted a request for a deferred assessment, have not received notification to your University of Guelph email account that you were denied and your grade does not appear as "DEF" you should contact your Program Counsellor to determine the status of your request.

How do I know what Class Level I am?

The Class Level Calculation policy is in Section VIII--Undergraduate Degree Regulations and Procedures of the Undergraduate Calendar at . To find the number of credits you have as "credits completed" and "credits in-progress" you refer to your My Progress report in WebAdvisor. Log into WebAdvisor and choose Academics --> Student Planning --> My Progress report . Refer to "Total Credits" bar on the right side of the report, you will see "xx credits completed" in dark green and "xx credits in progress" in light green.


How do I know when and/or where to write my deferred examination?

Section III--Schedule of Dates of the current Undergraduate Calendar lists the start and end dates for the Deferred Period each semester. When available, the Exam Schedule for final and deferred exams for each specific semester is posted on-line. The listing is by course code and provides the date, time and location of the examination.

How much do I need to study?

Each 0.50 credit indicates an expectation of the University that the student will dedicate 10-12 effort hours, including class time, on academic tasks. So if you are taking 2.50 credits you can expect to spend an average of 50-60 hours a week on academic tasks (i.e. class time in lectures and labs, studying, library research, completing assignments).

My instructor told me I am not on the class list and all my courses have been dropped on WebAdvisor – why would this happen and what do I do?

Undergraduate students who do not pay their $500 Fall Undergraduate Registration Deposit and/or settle their account by the Semester Payment Deadline (by making full payment or having an Arrangement for Payment approved) by Student Financial Services' published Dates & Deadlines face Financial Deregistration. If you have been financially de-registered you need to review information about Reinstatement and follow the appropriate procedure for your situation. If you need assistance with these processes you should contact Student Financial Services for information.

What do I do if I have an exam conflict (two scheduled at the same time)?

When available, the Exam Schedule for final and deferred exams for each specific semester is posted on-line. The listing is by course code and provides the date, time and location of the examination. It is your responsibility to check the final examination schedule to ensure that you do not have or add yourself into an examination conflict. If you have a final examination conflict it is your responsibility to resolve it with the instructor(s) of the course(s). An instructor is not required to reschedule a final examination from the date and/or time set by the Office of Registrarial Services to accommodate a conflict. If you cannot resolve the conflict you must drop one of the courses that conflicts. (Please see the Examinations policy for undergraduate students at and scroll down to bullet 1. under the sub-heading "Student's Responsibilities".)


What do I do if my scheduled exam conflicts with my religious holiday?

Students who encounter a conflict between a scheduled examination and a religious holiday should consult the Academic Accommodation of Religious Obligations policy. That policy is in Section VIII--Undergraduate Degree Regulations and Procedures of the current Undergraduate Calendar.

What is an exam conflict?

An exam conflict is defined as two final examinations scheduled at the same time on the same day. Three or more final examinations within a specified period of time (ie. 24 hours) is NOT considered to be an exam conflict.

Please scroll down at to read bullet 1. in the sub-section "Student Responsibilities" of the Examinations policy. The second part of that bullet reads "Students may not remain registered in courses with conflicting final examinations unless written approval is obtained from the dean or director and the instructors-in-charge of the courses. (Note that three examinations in 24 hours does not constitute an examination conflict. A conflict exists only where two examinations are scheduled into the same timeslot.) ”

What is the difference between an Exchange Program and a Semester Abroad?

Students participating in exchange programs pay full-time tuition fees at their home university, but select their courses at the university they will be visiting and are subject to the rules and regulations of the University they are attending on exchange. The grades are recorded there and forwarded to the home institution at the end of the semester or academic year.

Students participating in semester abroad programs are subject to the normal rules and regulations of the University of Guelph. They pay their fees to the University of Guelph and select University of Guelph courses prior to leaving for the semester abroad program that are taught at the site abroad.

Additional information about Exchange Programs and Semester Abroad programs is available in Section V--International Study and Section VII--Undergraduate Degree Regulations and Procedures of the current Undergraduate Calendar. Students interested in either an Exchange Program or a Semester Abroad program may also wish to contact the Centre for International Programs.

What should I do if I miss lectures and/or seminars due to illness?

A student who for any reason does not attend classes regularly, runs the risk of being unable to complete the work of the semester. Any student in this situation should contact their instructor immediately to determine the best course of action. Students in this situation are also advised to report to the Program Counsellor for academic advising upon return to classes as this person can assist the student in any required course of action with respect to missed work and/or assessments.

Where do I find information about the undergraduate Certificate in Leadership?

Official information about the University of Guelph’s Certificate in Leadership is available on-line at

Who can I go to for help with studying and writing university level papers?

Students who require guidance studying and writing papers should visit the Learning Commons located on the first floor of the McLaughlin Library. The Learning Commons provide support for enhancing student’s learning, writing, research, numeracy, and use of technology.