Stop Worrying!
Date and Time
Room 335 University Centre, University of Guelph
If you spend more time worrying than working, learn to curb the worry habit.
Topics included in this skills-oriented session :
- the 2 approaches proven to decrease worrying
- brain training exercises and a variety of other techniques to curb worrying
- 5 pitfalls that perpetuate worry and make it difficult to break out of worry spirals
- tips for bedtime worriers
$ 5.00 for University of Guelph students (due to U of G Student Health Services subsidy)
$10.00 for members of United Steelworkers Local 4120 (due to Local 4120 subsidy)
$20.00 for all others
For more information or private training, visit
or leave a message at the Stress Management Clinic 519 824-4120, ext. 52662.