Take Our Kids to Work Program

Date and Time


Every year the Upper Grand District School Board, the Wellington Catholic District School Board along with other Ontario school boards co-ordinate a Take Our Kids to Work program whereby Grade 9 students accompany their parent to work and observe them in their daily role as an employee.

The University supports this initiative and wishes to ensure that the experience for these students, who may shadow parents at University workplaces on Wednesday, November 14th, is both a safe and a productive one. 

All school boards require that parents sign a waiver and the University will also require a Release and Indemnification Form from the parent or guardian of any student who is participating in this initiative. A copy of the Form is attached and you may make photocopies.

Please see attached a notice with further details about the Take our Kids to Work Program.

File Attachments

PDF icon Take Our Kids to Work - 2018.pdf122.2 KB

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