Relaxation and Stress Management Skills Training
Date and Time
Room 332, University Centre
Develop skills to really relax tight muscles,
settle a busy brain, calm emotions, re-energize body & mind,
and better cope in a busy world...
This group program meets twice a week for 6 weeks (12 sessions in total) to maximize the opportunity to practice and develop strong skills in releasing body tension, and calming and focusing the mind. This educational program emphasizes skill acquisition and education about stress management and high performance. This is not a self-disclosure or therapy group; the purpose is skills practice.
A variety of long techniques (20 minutes) and short techniques (10 to 20 seconds) are presented. All techniques in this program have originated from research into strategies which promote physical and mental relaxation. They have been well studied and the most up-to-date information will be presented.
These techniques are especially helpful in the self-regulation of :
- headaches
- muscle tension
- insomnia
- Raynaud's Disease
- essential hypertension
- pain
- anxiety
- panic attacks
- exam anxiety.
These strategies also help promote :
- stress management
- physical and mental relaxation
- better immune function
- increased self-awareness
- improved performance in work, sport, and the performing arts.
Most participants in the 12 session training program report becoming more aware of stress responses, lessening of uncomfortable responses to stress, recovering more quickly from stress, and handling difficult situations more effectively.
Skills training is emphasized in class and daily practice is very strongly recommended. Like playing the piano or riding a bicycle, invested practice produces effective skills that last a lifetime and can be used anywhere, anytime.
Learn more and register at: