Being while Doing: Contemplating Mindfulness at Work

Date and Time


Online webinar 


MindU Well is hosting a free online webinar and registration is available through their website:

Dr. Darren Good will join MindWell-U’s Geoff Soloway to discuss:​​

  • Mechanisms and Benefits of Mindfulness in the workplace 

  • Mindful mode vs. Thinking mode at work

  • Integration & Impact of training​

With a passion for leadership development, executive coaching, and mindfulness, Darren Good, PhD is an award-winning teacher and researcher of applied behavioural sciences. He is considered among the leading scholars addressing the topic of mindfulness in the workplace. Dr. Good is also an assistant professor in both the MBA and MS in Organization Development programs at the Pepperdine University Graziadio Business School and conducts research on various aspects of his field.


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