Understanding the 2019 Canada’s Food Guide - What’s in, out and new?

Date and Time


UC 441 (north elevators)


Come and learn about the new version of Canada’s Food Guide from University expert, Dr. David Ma.    Dr. Ma will be speaking on Health Canada’s new approach to communicating nutritional guidance to Canadians as well as briefly discussing some of the controversial updates to the guide around items such as beef, dairy, and alcohol. 

Feel free to bring your lunch, and your questions! Dr. Ma will educate participants with a brief presentation and overview of the new food guide, and then be available to answer questions. 

Speaker Bio:  Dr. Ma is a faculty member on campus in the Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences.   He is currently a Professor and University Leadership Research Chair. His research focuses on nutrition and cancer.    For more information on Dr. David Ma, please visit:  https://www.uoguelph.ca/hhns/people/dr-david-wl-ma

Please register here in advance if possible.

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