DHR Session 1- Into the Light: Surfacing Implicit Bias

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To be confirmed 


Unconscious bias exists within everyone and, while unintentional, unacknowledged biases may have detrimental effects on others. For teaching faculty, it’s important to make conscious efforts to identify and take action to prevent bias from impacting course delivery, interactions with students, and one’s management of classroom dynamics. Without taking time to surface one’s own biases, faculty may, unwittingly, be reinforcing an environment that is unwelcoming to others. Into the Light: Surfacing Implicit Bias is a workshop for teaching faculty, sessional instructors and GTAs that will support participants in identifying several forms of bias and implementing strategies to prevent bias from negatively impacting classroom management. By the end of the session, participants will be able to:

  • Define implicit bias
  • Distinguish between several forms of bias
  • Discuss how hidden biases may impact on their roles and relationships with students
  • Develop strategies to minimize the impacts of bias on others

Learn more and register.

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