Labyrinth Workshop

Date and Time


Branion Plaza 

(In the event of incelement weather, this will be moved to the UC Courtyard)


Come learn the practice of walking the labyrinth for meditation, prayer, or contemplation.  

Please register here, so we're able to notify you if the Labyrinth workshop has been moved indoors due to inclement weather.

Following the workshop, the labyrinth will be open to all campus community members to enjoy.

Labyrinth walking is an ancient form of contemplative practice, used in a variety of cultures and faith traditions. The labyrinth invites you to walk a concentric walking path that leads to a central focal point, rich in various symbolic meanings.  There are no tricks in a labyrinth, no dead-ends or choices to make… just space to quiet the mind, check in with your body, and open yourself to the meaning that surrounds you at all times.  Labyrinths are found in places of worship, health-care facilities, and public parks and are a helpful tool in promoting whole person wellbeing. 



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