Arboretum: Ecopsychology and Eco Art Therapy Program starts

Date and Time


The Arboretum, U of G 


Participants will have the opportunity to engage in an 8-week programme that explores the principles of Ecopsychology and Eco Art Therapy.  Walking through this program, participants gradually gain a deeper sense of self-value, one’s relationship with nature, and a desire to engage with Nature as a trusted and valued aspect of one’s own life.  The Ecopsychological focus here will be to open yourself to direct experiences within nature and rely on a reciprocation of experiences where you will allow Nature to gently guide your awareness through your senses.  You will be challenged to learn from Nature’s wisdom in the absence of words and languages and simply rely on your non-language based senses.  You will be amazed by how and what Nature reveals to you through such an approach.  You will discover how Nature truly exemplifies ‘unconditional love,’ and how we can take lessons for our own lives.

In each session, participants will be introduced to new concepts which they will then apply to practical activities and then reflect both collectively and individually.  This course will also explore Eco-Art activities that go beyond the barriers of artistic techniques.  Participants will create pieces that they are truly proud of because of the deep experiences and meaning those pieces of art hold. Guest Instructor: Memona Hossain.  Early Bird Fee: $195.00 if done on or before Wednesday, September 4. Registrations after this date will cost $210.00.  Note: If we don't have enough registrations by the early bird deadline the course may be cancelled. Maximum 16 adults.

Learn more and register on the Arboretum website:

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