Planetarium Program… What’s up Tonight?

Date and Time


The Arboretum, U of G


Join guest instructor Trevor Chandler inside his planetarium* for this amazing program (families welcome and encouraged) … This planetarium series explores the planets, stars and constellations that are visible in the night sky this month.  In the session, you’ll learn a few of the brighter constellations, as well as their mythology, in addition to the names of a few of the brighter stars as well as their lore and meaning.

Guests will learn how to orient themselves in the sky and find the Big Dipper and how it can be used to find north. Using this information, we’ll also learn where to look to find planets that are visible in the sky this month. Planets are always on the move, as are we!

All planetarium sessions are live and interactive. Participants are welcome and encouraged to bring their questions and ask away, as we sit under the dome and ponder the sky above us, and seek to understand a little better, our place in space.

October, 2019 will feature the Planet Saturn, Minor Planet Pluto and the Constellation Cygnus.

Guest Instructor Trevor Chandler. Registration Fee: $15.00 per person PLUS a $10 fee per transaction (you can register multiple people per transaction and multiple Planetarium programs per transaction).  Please register by Wednesday, October 16, 2019 to help us decide if we can run the program.  Note: If we don't have enough registrations by Wednesday, October 16 the program may be cancelled. Maximum 25 people per session. ****PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL REGISTRANTS UNDER THE AGE OF 16 MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT.  If the course is full when you go to register please sign up on the Wait List as we may add an additional time slot if the current time slot fills up.

SEATING ARRANGEMENTS: The planetarium dome is 5 m in diameter. It is a small but intimate space and therefore necessary to be seated on the floor during the presentation. A small foam cushion is provided. For those with mobility issues, the dome is wheelchair accessible and chair seating can be made available for up to 3 guests if requested in advance.

Check out this video of our Planetarium Workshop:


Learn more and register:

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