Take a Paws: Comfort Dog Visits
Date and Time
Gryphon Lounge (Room #131), Athletics
Deadlines getting you down? Take a paws from your busy day to chill out with certified comfort dogs. Groups can visit the pooches for a full 15 minutes.
Please register for a time slot: https://gryphlife.uoguelph.ca/organization/takeapaws.
At the top right side of the screen, click "Sign in" and if you haven't previously used this platform, please create an account and accept the terms. You will then be able to sign in with your campus login details to see the different time slots available. Once you click on a certain time slot, it will notify you how many spaces are left and you can click "RSVP."
Please contact Sarah Joosse, Wellness@Work Coordinator with any questions or for support signing in by calling extension 56705 or email wellnessatwork@uoguelph.ca.