2021 Virtual Yoga Speaker Series - Ananta Giri
Date and Time
Join the U of G Yoga and Meditation Collective hear Ananta Giri give a presentation on self-development and social transformation through yoga! Use the link https://zoom.us/j/95484128908 to join the event with Meeting ID: 954 8412 8908.. Ananta Kumar Giri is a Professor at the Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai, India, and a Yogi in his life – whether at home, work, society, or the world. He has taught and done research in many universities in India and abroad. You will gain insights into pathways of yoga and the tantra of self-development, social transformations, and new movements of breathing together for social healing, reconciliation, and planetary realizations. Make sure to tune in to our first event of the UofG Yoga Speaker Series!
Contact Lalit Jairath at ljairath@uoguelph.ca.