2021 Virtual Yoga Speaker Series - Praveen Saxena
Date and Time

Join the U of G Yoga and Meditation Collective for their fourth speaker on March 25th at 12:00 pm EST (Toronto), to hear Dr. Praveen Saxena's presentation on Yoga: The synergy of mind, meditation, and mental well-being. Dr. Praveen Saxena is a Professor of Plant Agriculture at the University of Guelph and is also Director of the Gosling Research Institute for Plant Preservation. He researches the synergy of medicinal plants and traditional yoga and meditation practices.
Join UofG Yoga Speaker Series 2021. Zoom meeting ID: 954 8412 8908
Don't forget to bring your yoga mat and make sure to join us for our fourth speaker of the UofG Yoga Speaker Series!
Learn more and register.
Questions? Contact Lalit Jairath at ljairath@uoguelph.ca.