Explore Resources and Tour your McLaughlin Library - Sept 19, 2022
Date and Time
U of G McLaughlin Library. Meet up location to be provided closer to the event.
Come explore the U of G McLaughlin Library!
As a staff member, you have access to a variety of resources and services in the library, including popular films and documentaries available to stream; the Gryph Reads leisure reading collection; a large collection of children’s picture books, novels, and video streaming content; archival exhibitions; support and equipment for your video and audio projects; an extensive cookbook collection; and library how-to guides on a variety of topics.
Explore what the library has to offer and see the brand-new library entrance by joining us on the tour.
Tour Guides
Emily Mininger, Communications Specialist, McLaughlin Library
Ken Turriff, Manager of Communications & Marketing, McLaughlin Library
This tour is limited to 25 people so register early!
Register now through Qualtrics!
Contact Isidora Nezic, at nezici@uoguelph.ca