Sound Bath

Date and Time


Guelph Gryphon Athletics Centre - Register for more details. 


Join us for a FREE Sound Bath to relieve anxiety and stress. Registration Required. 

Mats will be provided. Please wear comfortable clothing. A blanket and small pillow is also recommended.

The use of sound as a healing modality dates back to ancient times and utilizes frequencies and vibrations to restore harmony within your mind, body, and soul. A sound bath is a fully immersive and deeply relaxing soundscape of crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, drums, gongs and other instruments. It requires nothing of the attendee, except to lie in a comfortable position and simply be, making it accessible to everyone.

Sound Bath Mental Health & Wellness Benefits:

  • Reduces stress and anxiety.
  • Improves sleep.
  • Heightens energy and focus.
  • Improves memory.
  • Improves mood balance.

Registration: Register through Qualtrics!

Instructor setup for sound bath - several singing bowls and gongs.

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