Leadership Agility in Times of Change and Crisis

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For Senior Leaders, Chairs, Directors, and People Managers

In this session, we will listen to a webinar hosted by the Center for Creative Leadership that will take us through a step-by-step framework on how to lead through the Covid-19 crisis, leveraging CCL’s deep expertise in leadership and lessons learned from past crises. The way in which leaders show up in the midst of crisis and change matters. Leadership agility becomes more crucial than ever. This webinar will reveal ways to assess and make meaning of an ambiguous and changing landscape, integrate new information to make strategic decisions, and ignite commitment from those you lead.

Following the webinar, we will engage in an interactive discussion with your fellow peer leaders which will provide you with an opportunity to reflect and generate ideas that you can immediately apply to your day-to-day leadership practice.

What Participants Will Learn:

  • Assess where you are in the three stages through which leaders and their organizations must move through during a crisis
  • Learn a 7-step framework that will equip you to create direction, alignment, and commitment from those you lead
  • Identify ways to prioritize now and pivot to the future
  • Reflect upon how you are showing up and identify practical strategies to elevate your response as a leader
  • Apply tools for lowering stress and reactivity and increasing personal and organizational resilience

Facilitator: Linda Watt, Director, and Evelina Rog, Senior Consultant, HR Learning and Development

Learn more and register!

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