1Day Stand to Go Smoke-Free

Date and Time


Join with friends and colleagues across campus – and institutions across Ontario – in a 1Day Stand on Nov. 14.

On November 14:

  • Take a 1Day Stand and choose not to smoke on campus for the day
  • Take a 1Day Stand and support your friends and colleagues who have chosen to quit or cut back
  • Take a 1Day Stand and show your support for a smoke-free campus policy

Visit the porch at the Raithby House (by Branion Plaza) for information, resources and giveaways to help you quit, cut back or get through the day without smoking. Learn more about U of G’s progress toward becoming a smoke-free campus, and share your thoughts.

Share your 1Day Stand experience on social media with #1DayStandUofG. Visit www.uoguelph.ca/smokefree for more information about U of G’s smoke-free campus initiative.

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