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Elsevier , Amsterdam. 618 pp. 1992.


Martini, I.P. and Chesworth, W. (eds.)





A short review of themes and concepts examined in this book

Chapter 1.  Reflections on soils and paleosols  I.P. Martini and W Chesworth, 3

Introduction, 3; Definition of soils, 4; Soil and energy, 5; Zonality of soils, 6; Mineral concentrations in soils, 9; Sedimentary facies and soil catenas, 10; Paleosols and time, 11; Paleosols and lifeforms, 13; Classification, 13; Future research trends, 14; References, 15

B. PROCESSES ON AND NEAR THE PLANETARY LAND SURFACE The processes of weathering and diagenesis

Clay minerals as the principal products of weathering and soil formation

Chapter 2. Weathering systems W. Chesworth, 19

Conceptual view of weathering systems, 19; The inorganic solids, 21; The aqueous environment, 22; Major weathering trends in a pe-pH framework, 25; The acid trend, 26; The alkaline trend, 30; The reduced trend, 30;A pedogenic grid, 31; Weathering rates, 32; Geographical distribution, 33; Conclusions: thesoil-sediment connection, 35; References, 38

Chapter 3. Extraterrestrial soils - the lunar experience J.E Lindsay, 41

Introduction, 41; The moon, 42; The meteorite flux, 43; Lunar soil, 45; Soil structure, 47; Physical properties, 47; Composition, 47; Petrography, 48; Texture of the lunar soil, 55; Grain size, 55; Shape, 57; Evolution of the lunar soil, 58; Energy partitioning and the flux of detrital materials, 58; Textural evolution, 61; The comminution dominated stage, 61; The agglutination dominated stage, 63; The steady state stage, 64; Soil maturity, 65; Other worlds, 66; References, 68

Chapter 4. Incipient weathering: some new concepts on weathering, clay formation and organization M. Robert and D. Tessier, 71

Introduction, 71;  Weathering processes in relation to mineral structure, 71; Microsystems and microsites, 75; The nanoscale: characterization of weathering primary stages, 79; Development of a methodology, 79; Main studies on primary mineral weathering, 80; Non phyllosilicates, 80; Phyllosilicates, 81; Discussion, 85; The nanoscale: characterization of clay texture and its variability, 87; Reference clays, 88; Smectites, 88; Clay size variability in relation to chemical composition, 91; Textural changes, 91; Kaolinites, halloysites, illites and vermiculites,  91; Soil clays, 93; Clay associations,  96; Clay behavior, 96; Conclusion, 99; References, 99  

Chapter 5. Alteration products at the earth's surface - the clay minerals LJ. Evans, 107

Introduction, 107; The structures of clay minerals, 108; Phyllosilicate clays:  1: 1 clay minerals, 2: 1 clay minerals, 110; The crystalline non-silicate minerals, 112; The non-crystalline and poorly crystalline minerals, 113; Occurrence of clay minerals. 114; Soils, 114; Sediments, 115; Lacustrine and estuarine sediments, 115; Oceanic sediments, 116; Sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks, 118; Formation of clay minerals, 118; Weathering, 118; Hydrothermal alteration, 120; Diagenesis, 121; Future research, 122; References 122

Chapter 6. Diagenesis and metasomatism of weathering profiles, with emphasis on Precambrian paleosols H. W Nesbitt, 127

Introduction, 127; Methodology, 128; Introduction, 128; The A-CN-K(feldspar) diagram, 128 The A-CNK-FM(mafics) diagram, 131;

Predicted trends using mass balances, 132; Congruent dissolution of feldspars, 132; Incongruent dissolution of plagioclase, 132;  Al immobile, 132; Al mobilized, 134;

Incongruent dissolution of K-feldspar, 135; Incongruent dissolution of both feldspars, 135; Predicted trends using kinetic data, 137; Predicted and observed trends in A-CN-K diagrams, 139; Predicted and observed trends in A-CNK-FM diagrams 140 Interpretation of a Paleozoic paleosol 141; Interpretation of three Precambrian (Huronian) paleosols, 144; Introduction, 144; Ville Marie paleosol, 144; Pronto Mine Granite paleosol, 146; Denison Mine basaltic paleosol, 148; Summary, 150; References, 151


Selected soils from recent landscapes and a variety of climatic zones

Chapter 7. Soils of Alpine mountains J.P. Legros, 155

Introduction, 155; Altitude belts according to climate, vegetation and soils, 156; General outline, 156; Variations in the general pattern, 160; Pedological processes in mountainous terrain, 161; Rock fragmentation and soil functioning, 161; Solubility, particle size and mineralogy of soils, 162; Wind contribution, 164; Principal geo-morpho-pedological systems, 165; Calcshale soils, 165; Soils over limestone, 167; Soils over granular crystalline rocks, 169; Soils over volcanic rocks, 173; Other pedolithic systems seen in mountains, 174; Soils over marly limestone, 174; Soils over marls and heavy clays of glacial origin, 174; Soils over gypsum, 175; Soils over the greenstones of the Alps (serpentinites, prasinites), 175; Conclusion, 176; References, 176

Chapter 8. Soils of cold climate regions  I.B. Campbell and G.G.C. Claridge, 183

Introduction, 183; Definition of cold climate lands, 183; Characteristic processes of cold climate lands, 184; Influence of ice, 184; Weathering regimes, 185; Soil biological regimes, 185; Zonation of cold climate lands, 185; Definition of zones, 185; Subarctic zone, 186; Tundra zone, 187; Subpolar Desert zone, 187; Polar Desert zone, 187; Cold Desert zone, 188; Soils of the Subarctic zone, 189; Soils of the Tundra zone, 190; Wet and dry Tundra, 190; Soils of the wet Tundra, 190; Soils of the dry Tundra, 191; Soils of the Subpolar Desert, 192; Soils of the Polar Desert zone, 192; Soils of the Cold Desert zone, 194; Distribution of Cold Desert soils, 194; Soil horizons, 195; Soil particle size, 196; Chemical weathering and soil mineralogy, 197; Pedogenic gradients in cold climate regions, 198; Summary and conclusions, 200; References, 200

Chapter 9. Organic soils W. Shotyk, 203

Introduction, 203;  Classification of organic soil materials, 204; Sedimentary organic materials, 205; Sedentary organic materials, 207; Classification of organic soils, 208; Marshes, 209; Swamps, 209; Fens, 209; Bogs, 210; Formation of organic soils, 210; Terrestrialization, 210; Paludification, 210; Summary of the geochemistry of peatlands, 213; The chemical properties of peats, 213; Physical properties, 213; Ultimate chemical composition, 213; Physico-chemical properties, 213; The chemical properties of peatlands, 213; Abundance and distribution of mineral matter, 213; Abundance and distribution of inorganic constituents, 214; The chemical properties of peatland waters, 214; Chemical composition, 214; pH, conductivity and alkalinity, 215; Redoxchemistry, 215; Environmental geochemistry of peatlands, 215; Effects on the lithosphere, 215; Dissolution of primary minerals, 215; Precipitation of secondary minerals, 216; Organic enrichment of trace metals, 216; Effects on the hydrosphere, 217; Dissolved organic matter, 217; pH and inorganic constituents, 217; Effects on the atmosphere, 218; Peatlands as a source of methane, 218; Peatlands as a sink for carbon dioxide, 218; Summary, 219; References, 219

Chapter 10. Desertsoils A. Watson, 225

Introduction, 225; Classification of desert soils, 227; Background, 227; The USDA Soil Classification system, 229; The FAO SoiI Classification system, 229; Desert soil classification in the USSR and Australia, 231; Soil mapping in deserts, 232; Parent materials, 233; Weathering processes, 234; Salt weathering, 234; Extrinsic materials, 236; Silt and clay, 236; Salt, 236; Clastic and clayey soils, 237; Saline and sodic soils, 239; Soil crusts, 241; Diagenetic features of desert soils, 245; Desert soils and geomorphology, 247; Desert palaeosols, 249; Summary, 251; References, 253  

Chapter 11. Quaternary soil chronosequences in various environments -extremely arid to humid tropical P. W. Birkeland, 261

Introduction, 261; Extremely arid to semi-arid soils with salt accumulations, 263; Soil in temperate regions (<100 cm MAP), 268; High elevation soils on tills, 269; Soils on tills at mountain fronts, 270; Soils on river and marine deposits, 271; Chronosequences in humid areas (>100 cm MAP), 272; Comparative data on clay and iron buildup and PDI in soils in different climates, 273; Soil development, steady state and thresholds, 275; Applications, 277; Estimating ages of fault movements, 277; Using chronosequence data in studies of paleosols, 277; References, 278

Chapter 12. Weathering in humid regions, with emphasis on igneous rocks and their metamorphic equivalents F. Macias and W. Chesworth, 283

Introduction, 283; The geological factor, 284; Parent rock as a soil forming factor, 285; Time, 287; Rock-water interactions in the soil zone, 288; The aqueous environment, 288; The importance of feedback, 293; Weathering of igneous and metamorphic rocks in humid regions, 294; Igneous rocks, 295; The ferralitic trend, 295; The andosolic trend, 297; The Podzolic trend, 298; Metamorphic rocks, 299; Discussion, 300; Conclusions, 301; References, 306


Ferrallitic soils, duricrusts and exogenic mineral deposits

Chapter 13. Calcrete A.R. Milnes, 309

Introduction, 309; Character and distribution of calcretes, 310; Development of concepts of the origin of calcretes, 312; Studies in North America, 312; Interpretation of macroscopic forms and morphogenetic sequences, 312; Elaboration of the processes and support for an eolian origin for the carbonate, 313; The time frame, 314;

The Mediterranean region, 316; Catenary concept, 316; Biological influences, 316; Australian studies, 317; Distribution, field relationships and macromorphological forms, 317; Chemical and mineralogical characteristics, 320; Identification of biological influences, 322; Assessments of the time frame, 322; Characteristics of selected calcrete profiles in South Australia, 323; Calcretes of the Neogene coasts, 323; Poochera quarry, 325; Macromorphological description; 325; Chemical composition, 327; Mineralogical data, 328; Piednippie, 330; Calcretes of the inland areas, 331; Caliph, 331; Klein Point, 334; Macromorphological description, 336; Chemical composition, 336; Mineralogical data, 338; Development of the profiles, 338; Province of the Neogene coasts, 339; The inland province, 340; Discussion, 343; References, 344

Chapter 14. Silcretes A.R. Milnes and M. Thiry, 349

Introduction, 349; The nature of silcretes, 350; The French experience, 351; Silcretes with complex structure and fabric, 351; Basal granular horizon, 352; Prismatic columnar horizon, 353; Pseudo-nodular columnar horizon, 356; Pseudo-breccia horizon, 356; Sand horizon, 357; Development of the profile, 357; Silcretes with simple structure and fabric, 358; Distribution and form, 358; Origin, 360; Relationships of silcretes with paleosurfaces, 361; Australian examples, 364; Southwestern part of the Eromanga Basin, 364; Zones of groundwater silicification, 365; Macromorphological features, 365; Micromorphological and mineralogical features, 365; Pedogenic silcrete, 367; Macromorphological features, 367; Micromorphological features, 368; Formation of the silcretes, 369; Time and environment, 370; Relationships of silcretes with paleogeography 370; The Beda Valley paleo-toposequence, 370; The Todd River Plain, 371; Discussion, 372; Geochemistry of solutions and the sequence of silica deposits, 372;  Water regime, 373; Time frameworks, 374; References, 374

Chapter 15. Diversity and terminology of lateritic profiles Y. Tardy, 379

Introduction: definition of laterites, 379; The three domains of common lateritic profiles, 380; Saprolites and the so called alteration domain, 382;

The coarse saprolite, 382; The fine saprolite or lithomarge, 383; Leaching or accumulation of iron and aluminum in lithomarges, 383; Problems of terminology, 386; Smectitic saprolite and pistachio horizons, 386; Glaebular domains and the ferricrete profile, 387; Mottle zones and nodular horizons, 387; The ferricrete formation, 389; The gritty layer of surface dismantling, 390; The Az leached horizon and sub-surface ferricrete dismantling, 391; Terminology, 391; Conclusion: ferricrete metabolism, 392; The soft zone, 393; Three possible origins, 393; Concretion and pisolite formation in Ultisols or Oxisols, 393; Oxisols with no glaebular development, 395; Lateritic bauxites, 396; Distribution of gibbsite, 397;  Secondary formation of pisolites and boehmite, 397; Distribution of hematite and goethite, 398; Conclusion, 399; References, 401

Chapter 16. Geochemistry and evolution of lateritic landscapes Y. Tardy and C. Roquin, 407

Introduction. 407; Autochthony, allochthony and lithodependence of ferricretes, 407; Mineralogical and geochemical diversity of the lateritic patchworks, 408; Age of lateritic surfaces, 408; Allochthony or autochthony of ferricretes, 410; Lithodependence of young duricrusts and chemical homogenization of old ferricretes, 413; Conclusion, 415; Remobilization of surficial material by termite activity, 415; Vertical lowering of lateritic landscapes, 417; Gold distribution in laterites, 417; Rates of chemical erosion and weathering and of landscape lowering, 419; Schematic evolution of a ferricrete and bauxite covered landscape, 419; Successions of hydrated and dehydrated minerals in lateritic profiles, 421; Dehydration reactions in Al, Fe and Mn-systems, 421; Gibbsite and kaolinite successions in lateritic profiles, 422;

Climatic and hydrostatic factors governing the thermodynamic activity of water in lateritic profiles, 423; Chemical composition and climatic distribution of goethite and hematite in soil profiles and landscapes, 426; Temperature, 426; Relative humidity of the soil atmosphere, 426; pH and organic carbon content, 427; Distribution of Al-hematite and Al-goethite in laterites, 428; Thermodynamic stability field of Al-goethite and Al-hematite, 428; Stability diagrams, 429; Conclusions, 430;

Periatlantic climates and paleoclimates; the role of temperature and water activity in the distribution and mineralogical composition of bauxites and ferricretes, 423; References, 437

Chapter 17. Metallogeny of weathering: an introduction  D.B. Nahon, B. Boulange and F. Colin, 445

Introduction, 445; Lateritic weathering profiles, 445; Concentrations of gold, 447;  Gold-bearing lateritic profiles of Gabon, 447; Reprecipitation of gold in laterites, 449; Mechanisms of lateritic weathering of gold, 450; Bauxitic concentrations, 453; Lateritic bauxitization, 453; Bauxites of Lakota, Ivory Coast, 454; Mechanisms of bauxitization, 456; Concentrations of oxides and hydroxides of manganese, 457; Role of the parent rock, 457; Mineral sequences of weathering, 457; Nickeliferous concentrations, 460; Nickeliferous silicate and oxide horizons,  460; Mineral sequences of weathering, 461; Distribution of nickel, 462; Cupriferous concentrations, 464; Character of weathering cupriferous concentrations, 464; Mineral sequences of weathering, 464; Conclusions, 466; References, 467


The present is the key to the past

Chapter 18. Paleopedology: stratigraphic relationships and empirical models V.P. Wright, 475

Introduction, 475; Paleosol recognition, 476; Stratigraphy terminology and concepts, 476; Paleosol-landscape relationships, 479; Paleosols at major unconformities, 479; Paleosols in ancient alluvial sequences: geomorphic and stratigraphic relationships, 480; Floodpalin soils: geomorphology and pedostratlgraphy, 481; Arid alluvial fans: geomorphology and pedostratigraphy, 486; Modelling of alluvial pedostratigraphic sequences, 493; Summary, 494; References, 495  

Chapter 19. Underclays and related paleosols associated with coals R.E. Hughes, P.I. DeMaris and W.A. White, 501

Introduction, 501; Definition of underclay and related units, 502; Hypotheses of origin, 503; Cyclothem association, 503; Methods of investigation, 505; Current knowledge and interpretations, 507; Pennsylvanian underclays in Illinois,  507; Seat rocks, 512; Underclay profiles, 512; Underclays of other places and ages, 513;

Mineral matter associated with coals, 515; Roof and overlying strata, 517; Flint clays and tonsteins, 517; The role of plants in the formation of paleosols, 518; Future research needs, 520; Summary, 520; References, 521

Chapter 20. Mesozoic and Tertiary paleosols Mary J. Kraus, 525

Introduction; 525; Paleosols and the Mesozoic-Tertiary stratigraphic record, 526; Soil formation versus sedimentation and erosion, 526; Ancient aggradational systems, 527; Ancient erosional landscapes, 528; Paleosols in alluvial rocks, 530; Lateral variability in paleosols, 530; Intrabasinal variability in paleosols, 535;

Future trends, 536; Remote sensing, 536; Sediment accumulation rates, 537; Reservoir prediction, 538; Summary, 539; References, 540

Chapter 21. Paleozoic paleosols G.J. Retallack, 543

Introduction, 543; Entisols, 544; Inceptisols, 546; Histosols, 549; Aridisols, 550; Vertisols, 551; Alfisols, 551; Spodosols, 553; Ultisols, 555; Oxisols, 556; Coordinated evolution of soil and life, 557; References, 560  


An examination of the concepts involved, with examples

Chapter 22. Classification of earth materials: a brief examination of examples W. Chesworth, G.A. Spiers, L.J. Evans and I.P. Martini, 567

Introduction, 567; Classification of earth materials, 568; Classification of minerals, 571; Classification of rocks, 571; Nomenclature of igneous rocks, 571; Nomenclature of sediments and sedimentary rocks, 573; Nomenclature of metamorphic rocks, 577; Classification of soils, 579; Discussion, 581; Conclusion, 584; References, 586   

References Index, 587

Subject Index , 609


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