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Papers published in refereed journals and proceedings (total 81).

81. Pascucci V., Martini I. P., Sagri M., and Sandrelli F. (2007, in press). Effects of the transverse structural lineaments on Neogene - Quaternary basins of Tuscany (inner Northern Apennines, Italy). Sedimentology. 

80. Sadura, S., Martini, I.P., Endres, A.L., and Wolf, K., 2006. Morphology and GPR stratigraphy of a frontal part of an end moraine of the Laurentide Ice Sheet: Paris Moraine near Guelph, ON, Canada.  Geomorphology, 75, 212¨C225. 

79. Pascucci, V., Costantini, A., Martini, I.P., and Dringoli, R., 2005. Tectono-sedimentary analysis of a complex, extensional, Neogene basin formed on thrust-faulted, Northern Apennines hinterland: Radicofani Basin, Italy. Sedimentary Geology., 183: 71-97. 

78. Zhu Dakui, Yin Yong, and Martini, I.P., 2005. Geomorphology of the Boao coastal system and potential effects of human activities - Hainan Island, South China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 15: 187-198. 

77. Martini I. Peter, Wang Ying, Zhu Dakui, Zhang Yongzhan, Tang Wenwu, 2004. Coastal sandy ridges and reefs of southern Hainan Island (China) developed during Quaternary sea-level variations. Quaternaria Nova, VIII: 277-296. 

76. Yin Yong, Zhu Da-kui, Martini, I.P., Tang Wen-wu, and Xu Ye-hua, 2004. Application of Ground-penetrating Radar for spit stratigraphic interpretation, Hainan Island, China. Journal of Coastal Research, 43: 179-201.

75. Yin Yong, Zhu Dakui, Tang Wenwu, Ge Chendong and I.P. Martini, 2002. On barrier-lagoon development and GPR application in Boao area. ACTA Geographia Sinica, 57(3): 301-309.

74. Benvenuti, M. and Martini, I.P., 2002. Analysis of terrestrial hyperconcentrated flows and their continental deposits. In: I. P. Martini, V.R. Baker and G. Garzon (eds.) Flood and megaflood processes and deposits. Sedimentology, Special Publication 32, pp. 167-194.

73. Mosher, S-J. and Martini, I.P., 2002. Coarse-grained flood bars formed at the confluence of two subarctic rivers affected by hydroelectric dams, Ontario, Canada. . In: I. P. Martini, V.R. Baker and G. Garzon (eds.) Flood and megaflood processes and deposits. Sedimentology, Special Publication 32, pp. 213-232.

72. Pascucci, V., Fontanesi, G., Merlini, S. and Martini, I.P., 2001. Neogene Tuscan Shelf-western Tuscany extension - Evidence of the early post-compressional deposits (Tyrrhenian Sea-Northern Apennines, Italy). Ofioliti, 26 (2a): 187-196.

71. Zhang Yongzhan, Martini I. Peter, Ge Chendong and Zhu Dakui, 2001. Landscape and land use in southern Hainan Island, China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 46 Supp., 102-104.

70. Wang Ying , Martini I. P., Zhu Dakui , Zhang Yongzhan and Tang Wenwu, 2001. Coastal plain evolution in southern Hainan Island, China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 46 Supp., 90-96.

69. Murphy, M.A., Martini, I.P. and Protz, R., 2001. Seasonal changes in subarctic wetlands and river ice breakup detectable on RADARSAT images, southern Hudson Bay Lowland, Ontario, Canada. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 27, 143-158.

68. Pascucci, V., Merlini, S. and Martini, I.P., 1999. Seismic stratigraphy of the Miocene-Pleistocene sedimentary basins of the northern Tyrrhenian Sea and western Tuscany (Italy). Basin Research, 11: 337-356.

67. Hawke, M.I., Martini, I.P. and Stasiuk, L.D., 1999. A comparison of temperate and boreal peats from Ontario, Canada: possible modern analogues for coals. International Journal of Coal Geology, 41: 213-238.

66. Brookfield, M.E. and Martini, I.P., 1999. Facies architecture and sequence stratigraphy in glacially influenced basins: basic problems and water level/glacier input-point controls (with an example from the Quaternary of Ontario, Canada). Sedimentary Geology, 123: 183-197.

65. McCarthy, P.J., Martini, I.P. and Leckie, D.A., 1999. Pedogenic and diagenic influences on void coating formation in Lower Cretaceous paleosols of the Mill Creek Formation, southwestern Alberta, Canada. Geoderma, 87: 209-237.

64. McCarthy, P.J., Martini, I.P. and Leckie, D.A., 1998. Use of micromorphology for paleoenvironmental interpretation of complex alluvial paleosols: an example from the Mill Creek Formation (Albian), southwestern Alberta, Canada. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol., 143: 87-110

63. Brogly P.J., Martini I.P., and Middleton G.V., 1998. The Queenston Formation: shale-dominated, mixed terrigenous-carbonate deposits of Upper Ordovician, semiarid, muddy shores in Ontario, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 35: 702-719.

62. Zhu D., Martini, I.P. and Brookfield, M., 1998. Morphology and landuse of the coastal zone of the north Jiangsu Plain, Jiangsu Province, eastern China. Journal of Coastal Research, 14: 591-599.

61. McCarthy, P.J., Martini, I.P. and Leckie, D.A., 1997b. Pedosedimentary history and floodplain dynamics of the Lower Cretaceous upper Blairmore Group, southwestern Alberta, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 34: 598-617.

60. McCarthy,P.J., Martini,I.P. and Leckie, D.A., 1997a. Anatomy and evolution of a Lower Cretaceous alluvial plain: sedimentology and paleosols in the upper Blairmore Group, south-western Alberta, Canada. Sedimentology, 44: 197-220.

59. Martini, I.P., Pascucci, V., and Sandrelli, F., 1995. Late Miocene paleogeography of the Monte Soldano area, southeastern part of Volterra Basin, Tuscany, Italy. Giorn. Paleontologia e stratigrafia, 101: 381-388.

58. Martini, I.P., Cascella, A., and Rau, A., 1995. The Manciano Sandstone: a shoreface deposit of Miocenic "Satellite Basins" of the Northern Apennines, Italy. Sedimentary Geology, pp. 37-59.

57. Martini, I.P. and Brookfield, M., 1995. Sequence analysis of Upper Pleistocene (Wisconsinan) glaciolacustrine deposits of the north-shore bluffs of Lake Ontario, Canada. Journal of Sedimentary Research, B65, pp. 388-400.

56. Martini, I.P. and Sagri, M., 1994. The late Miocene-Pleistocene extensional basins of the Northern Apennines: Facies distribution and basin fill architecture. Memorie Societ¨¤ Italiana, 48: 375-380

55. Martini, I.P., Kwong, J.K., and Sadura, S., 1993. Sediment ice rafting and cold-climate fluvial deposits: Albany River, Ontario, Canada: In: M. Marzo and C. Puidgefabregas (Editors), Alluvial Sedimentation, IAS Special Publication 17: 63-76).

54. Martini, I.P. and Sagri, M., 1993. Tectono-sedimentary characteristics of Late Miocene-Quaternary extensional basins of the Northern Apennines, Italy. Earth Science Reviews, 34: 197-233.

53. Martini, I.P., 1992. Considerations on coastal environmental constraints in the Lianyungang Harbour Area, Jiangsu Province, China. Journal of Nanjing University, 12: 64-70.

52. Martini, I.P., Oggiano G. and Mazzei R., 1992. Siliciclastic-carbonate sequences of Miocene grabens of northern Sardinia, western Mediterranean Sea. Sedimentary Geology, 76: 63-78.

51. Martini, I.P., Tongiorgi, M., Oggiano, G., and Cocozza T., 1991. Ordovician alluvial fan to marine shelf transition in SW Sardinia, Western Mediterranean Sea: tectonically (" Sardic phase") influenced clastic sedimentation. Sedimentary Geology, 72: 97-115.

50. Martini, I.P., 1991. Sedimentology of subarctic tidal flats of western James Bay and Hudson Bay, Ontario, Canada. In: Smith, D.G., Reinson, G.E., Zaitlin, B.A., and Rahmani, R.A. (Eds.), Clastic Tidal Sedimentology, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 16, pp. 301-312.

49. Martini, I.P., and Bowlby, J.R., 1991. Geology of the Lake Ontario Basin: A review and outlook. J. of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 48: 1503-1516.

48. Martini, I.P. and Rocha Campos, A.C., 1991. Interglacial and early postglacial, Lower Gondwana coal sequences in the Parana Basin, Brazil. In: Ulbrich, H., and Rocha Campos, A.C. (Eds.), Proceedings Gondwanaland International Symposium, Brazil, Istituto de Geociencias, Universidade de Sao Paulo, pp. 317-336.

47. Martini, I.P., 1990. Aeolian features of the recent, subarctic coastal zone of the Hudson Bay Lowland, Ontario, Canada. In: Davidson Arnott, R. (ed.), Proceedings Canadian Symposium on Coastal Sand Dunes, National Research Council, Ottawa. pp. 137-157.

46. Martini, I.P., 1990. Pleistocene glacial fan deltas in Southern Ontario, Canada. In: Colella, A. and Prior, D. (eds.), Fan Deltas. International Association of Sedimentologists Special Publication No 10, pp. 281-295.

45. Martini, I.P. and Banks, M., 1989. Sedimentology of the cold-climate, coal-bearing, Lower Permian "Lower Freshwater Sequence" of Tasmania. Sedimentary Geology, 64: 25-41.

44. Rau, A, Tongiorgi, M. and Martini, I.P., 1989. La successione di Punta Bianca: un esempio di rift "abortivo" nel Trias medio del Dominio Toscano. Mem. Soc. Geol. Ital. 30: 115-125.

43. Martini, I.P., 1989. The Hudson Bay Lowland: Major geologic features and assets. Geologie en Mijnbouw, 68: 25-34.

42. Glooschenko, W.A. and I.P. Martini, 1987. Vegetation of river-influenced coastal marshes of the southwestern end of James Bay, Ontario. Wetlands 7: 71-84.

41. Martini, I.P., and E.M. Wightman. 1987. Geomorphology and ancient settlements of the southern flank of Mt. Cairo, Lower Liri Valley, Italy. Geoarchaeology, 2: 131-147.

40. Martini, I.P., E.M. Wightman and P. Hemphill, 1987. Bridging a seasonal torrent: The Melfa River, Southern Lazio, Italy. Geoarchaeology, 2: 149-159.

39. Martini, I.P. and D. Johnson, 1987. Cold-climate, fluvial to paralic coal-forming environments in the Permian Collinsville Coal Measures, Bowen Basin, Australia. International Journal of Coal Geology, 7: 365-388.

38. Martini, I.P. and R.I.G. Morrison, 1987. Regional distribution of Macoma balthica and Hydrobia minuta on the subarctic coasts of Hudson Bay and James Bay, Ontario, Canada. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 24: 47-68.

37. Kelly, R.I. and I.P. Martini, 1986. Pleistocene glaciola-custrine deltaic deposits of the Scarborough Formation, Ontario, Canada. Sedimentary Geology, 47: 27-52.

36. Martini, I.P., A. Rau and M. Tongiorgi, 1986. Syntectonic sedimentation in a Middle Triassic Rift, Northern Apennines, Italy. Sedimentary Geology, 47: 191-219.

35. Martini, I.P. and W. Glooschenko, 1985. Cold climate peat formation in Canada and its relevance to Lower Permian coal measures of Australia. Earth Science Reviews, 22: 107-140.

34. Protz, R., G.J. Ross, I.P. Martini and J. Terasmae, 1984. Rate of podzolic soil formation near Hudson Bay, Ontario. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 54: 31-49.

33. Martini, I.P., 1983. Considerations on the subarctic coastal environments of the Akimiski Island area, N.W.T. and Ontario, Canada. Sedimentary Geology, 37: 225-228.

32. King, W.A. and I.P. Martini, 1983. Morphology and recent sediments of the lower anastomosing reaches of the Attawapiskat River, James Bay, Ontario, Canada. Sedimentary Geology, 37: 295-320.

31. Grinham, D.F. and I.P. Martini, 1983. Sedimentology of the Ekwan Shoal, Akimiski Strait, James Bay, Canada. Sedimentary Geology, 37: 273-294.

30. Glooschenko, W.A. and I.P. Martini, 1983. Wetlands of the Attawaspiskat River Mouth, James Bay, Ontario, Canada. Wetlands 3: 64-76

29. Martini, I.P. and D.F. Grinham. 1983. Sedimentary conditions and deposits of Akimiski Strait, James Bay, Canada. Sedimentary Geology, 37: 251-272.

28. Martini, I.P. and W.A. Glooschenko, 1983. Emergent coasts of Akimiski Island, James Bay, Northwestern Territories, Canada: Geology, Geomorphology and Vegetation. Sedimentary Geology, 37: 229-250.

27. Brookfield, M.E., Q.H.J. Gwyn and I.P. Martini, 1983. Quaternary sequences along the north shore of Lake Ontario: Oshawa-Port Hope. Can. Jour. of Earth Science, 19: 1836-1850.

26. Scott, D.B. and I.P. Martini. 1982. Marsh foraminiferal zonations from James Bay. Le Naturaliste canadien, 109: 399-414.

25. Clarke, K.E., I.P. Martini and W. Glooschenko. 1982. Sedimentary characteristics of the coastal environment of North Point, Ontario. Le Naturaliste canadien, 109: 385-397.

24. Martini, I.P. 1982. Geomorphological features of the Ontario coast of Hudson Bay. Le Naturaliste canadien, 109: 415-429.

23. Martini, I.P. 1981. Coastal dunes of Ontario: Distribution and geomorphology. Geographie Physique et Quaternaire, XXXV: 219-229.

22. Martini, I.P. 1981. Emergent coastal landscapes of the Hudson Bay Lowland, Ontario, Canada. OCEANIS, 7: 415-429.

21. Martini, I.P. 1981. Morphology and sediments of the emergent Ontario coast of James Bay, Canada. Geogr. Annaler Ser A, 63: 81-94.

20. Martini, I.P. 1981. Ice effect on erosion and sedimentation on the Ontario shores of James Bay, Canada. Zeit. fur Geomorph, 25: 1-16.

19. Glooschenko, W.A. and I.P. Martini. 1981. Salt marshes of the Ontario coast of Hudson Bay, Canada. Wetlands, 1: 9-18.

18. Martini, I.P., R.I.G. Morrison, W.A. Glooschenko and R. Protz. 1980. Coastal studies in James Bay, Ontario. Geoscience Canada, 7: 11-21.

17. Martini, I.P., D.W. Cowell and G.M. Wickware. 1980. Geomorphology of Southern James Bay: A low energy, emergent coast. In S.B. McCann (ed.) Coastline of Canada. Geological Survey of Canada. pp. 293-301.

16. Martini, I.P., M. Sagri, and J.H. Doveton. 1978. Lithologic transition and bed thickness periodicities in turbidite successions of the Antola Formation, Northern Apennines, Italy. Sedimentology, 48: 605-623.

15. Martini, I.P. 1978. Tafoni weathering, with examples from Tuscany, Italy. Zeit. fur Geomorph. N.F., 22: 44-67.

14. Martini, I.P. and M. Sagri. 1977. Sedimentary fillings of ancient deep-sea channels: two examples from Northern Apennines (Italy). J. Sed. Petrology, 47: 1794-1553.

13. Martini, I.P. 1977. Gravelly flood deposits of Irvine Creek, Ontario. Sedimentology, 24: 603-622.

12. Tongiorgi, M., A. Rau and I.P. Martini. 1977. Sedimentology of early-alpine, fluvio-marine, clastic deposits (Verrucano, Triassic) in the Monti Pisani (Italy). Sedimentary Geology, 17: 311-332.

11. Martini, I.P. and C.J. Acton. 1975. Use of factor analysis in interpreting genetic processes in lacustrine soils of Ontario, Canada. Can. J. Earth Sciences, 12: 1794-1804.

10. Martini, I.P. 1975. Sedimentology of lacustrine barrier systems at Wasaga Beach, Ontario, Canada. Sedimentary Geology, 14: 169-190.

9. GLOOSCHENKO J.A. and I.P. MARTINI, 1974. Hudson Bay lowlands baseline study. In: Coastal Zone '78, the Proceedings of the Symposium on Technical, Environmental, Socioeconomic and Regulatory Aspects of Coastal Zone Management ASCE/San Francisco, Calif./March 14-16, 1978, 663-679

8. Martini, I.P. 1974. Deltaic and shallow marine Lower Silurian sediments of the Niagara Escarpment between Hamilton, Ontario and Rochester, N.Y. --A field guide. Maritime Sediments, 10: 52-66.

7. Martini, I.P. 1974. Wasaga Beach: A quaternary classic landscape, its geological history and biological carrying capacity of the sand dunes. Geographic Monographs, Vol. 5, York University Series, University of Toronto Press, pp. 61-77.

6. Martini, I.P. 1973. Ostler lenses: possible environmental indicators in fluvial gravels and conglomerates. J. Sed. Petrology, 43: 418-422.

5. Martini, I.P. 1973. Instant peels using polyester resin. J. Sed. Petrology, 43: 231-234.

4. Martini, I.P. 1971. An analysis of the interrelations between grain orientation, grain size and grain elongation. Sedimentology, 17: 255-275.

3. Martini, I.P. 1971. Regional analysis of sedimentology of Medina Formation (Silurian), Ontario and New York. Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., 55: 1249-1261.

2. Martini, I.P. 1971. Grain orientation and paleocurrent systems in the Thorold and Grimsby sandstones (Silurian), Ontario and New York. J. Sed. Petrology, 41: 425-434.

1. Martini, I.P. 1971. A test of validity and quartz grain orientation as a paleocurrent and paleoenvironmental indicator. J. Sed. Petrology, 41: 60-68.


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