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Sedimentary Geology, Special Issue, V. 37, No. 4(1984), 225-320


Martini, I. P. (ed.)


Considerations on the sub-arctic coastal environments of the Akimiski Island area, N. W. T. and Ontario, Canada

I.P. Martini (Guelph, Ont., Canada), 225

Emergent coasts of Akimiski Island, James Bay, Northwestern Territories, Canada: geology, geomorphology, and vegetation

I.P. Martini (Guelph, Ont., Canada) and W.A. Glooschenko (Burlington, Ont., Canada), 229

Sedimentary conditions and deposits of Akimiski Strait, James Bay, Canada

I.P. Martini (Guelph, Ont., Canada) and D.F. Grinham (Calgary, Alta, Canada), 251

Sedimentology of the Ekwan Shoal, Akimiski Strait, James Bay, Canada

D.F. Grinham (Calgary, Alta., Canada) and I.P. Martini (Guelph, Ont., Canada), 273

Morphology and recent sediments of the lower anastomosing reaches of the Attawapiskat River, James Bay, Ontario, Canada

W.A. King (Calgary, Alta., Canada) and I.P. Martini(Guelph,Ont. ,Canada), 295


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