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Special Publication of the International Association of Sedimentologists 32, 312 pp. 2002.


Martini, I.P., Garzon, G., and Baker, V.R. (eds.)





3 High-energy megafloods: planetary settings and sedimentary dynamics

KR Baker

17 Late Quateruary catastrophic flooding in the Altai Mountains of south-central Siberia: a synoptic overview and an introduction to flood deposit sedimentology

P. A. Carling, A.D .Kirkbride, S. Parnachov,. P. S. Borodavko and G. W. Berger

37 Great Holocene oods along Jokulsa a Fjollum, north Iceland

R.B. Waitt

Glacial outwash floods

55 November 1996 jokulhlaup on Skeidararsandur outwash plain, Iceland

A. Snorrason, P. Jonsson, O. Sigurosson, S. Palsson, S. Arnason, S. Vikingsson and L Kaldal

67 The effects of glacier-outburst flood flow dynamics on ice-contact deposits: November 1996 jokulhlaup, Skeidararsandur, Iceland

A..l Russell and O. Knudsen  

85 Formation of ice-block obstacle marks during the November 1996 glacier-outburst flood  (jokulhlaup), Skeidararsandur, southern Iceland

R. Fay

99 A large-scale flood event in 1994 from the mid-Canterbury Plains, New Zealand, and implications for ancient fluvial deposits

G.R. Browne

Alluvial-fan floods

113 Alluvial-fan sedimentation from a glacial-outburst flood, Lone Pine, California, and contrasts with meteorological flood deposits

T.C. Blair 

141 Alluvial fans in the Italian Alps: sedimentary facies and processes

A. Moscariello, L. Marchi, F. Maraga and G. Mortara  

167 Analysis of terrestrial hyperconcentrated flows and their deposits

M. Benvenuti and I.P. Martini

195 Catastrophic debris-flow deposits from an inferred landslide-dam failure, Eocene Berga Formation, eastern Pyrenees, Spain

E. Saula, E.E. Mato and C. Puigdefabregas

Alluvial valley floods

213 Coarse-grained flood bars formed at the confluence of two subarctic rivers affected by hydroelectric dams, Ontario, Canada

S.-J. Mosher and 1.P. Martini  

233 Comparison of the flood response of a braided and a meandering river, conditioned by anthropogenic and climatic changes

G. Garzon and A. Alonso  

251 Effects of land-use and precipitation changes on floodplain sedimentation in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (Geul River, The Netherlands)

M.H. Starn  

269 Use of remote sensing in monitoring river floods and their effects on the landscape

L. Halounova

Special cases  

283 Sedimentary traces as indicator of temporary ice-marginal channels in the Westphalian Bight, Germany

J. Herget  

291 Outlet glaciers of the Pleistocene (LGM) south Tibetan ice sheet between Cho Oyu and Shisha Pangma as potential sources of former megafloods

M. Kuhle

303 Index



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