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Publications; HUDSON BAY AND JAMES BAY (recent coastal and fluvial environments and sediments; river-ice-cover breakup; peatlands; effects of construction of hydroelectric dams.

Martini, I. Peter, 2006. The cold-climate peatland of the Hudson Bay Lowland, Canada: brief overview of recent work. In: I.P. Martini, A. Martinez Cortizas and W. Chesworth (eds.), Peatlands: evolution and records of environmental and climatic changes. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 53¨C84

Mosher, S.-J. and Martini, I.P., 2002. Coarse-grained flood bars formed at the confluence of two subarctic rivers affected by hydroelectric dams, Ontario, Canada. . In: I.P. Martini, V.R. Baker and G. Garzon (eds.) Flood and megaflood processes and deposits. Sedimentology, Special Publication 32, pp. 213-232.

Murphy, M.A., Martini, I.P. and Protz, R., 2001.  Seasonal changes in subarctic wetlands and river ice breakup detectable on RADARSAT images, southern Hudson Bay Lowland, Ontario, Canada. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 27, 143-158.

Hawke, M.I., Martini I.P. and Stasiuk, L.D., 1999. A comparison of temperate and boreal peats from Ontario, Canada: possible modern analogues for coals. International Journal of Coal Geology.

Murphy, M.A., Martini, I.P., and Protz, R., 1998. Seasonal changes in subarctic wetlands detectable on Radarsat Images, southern Hudson Bay Lowland, Ontario, Canada. CSP website publication, 10 pp.

Martini I.P., 1997. Recent cold climate peats of central Canada and Permo-Carboniferous coals of Gondwana. In: I.P. Martini (ed.), Late glacial and postglacial environmental changes: Quaternary, Permo-Carboniferous, Proterozoic. Oxford University Press, N.Y.

Martini, I.P., Kwong, J.K., and Sadura, S., 1993. Sediment ice rafting and cold climate fluvial deposits: Albany River, Ontario, Canada: In: M. Marzo and C. Puidgefabregas (Editors), Alluvial Sedimentation, IAS Special Publication 17: 63-76.

Martini, I.P., 1991. Sedimentology of subarctic tidal flats of western James Bay and Hudson Bay, Ontario, Canada. In: Smith, D.G., Reinson, G.E., Zaitlin, B.A., and Rahmani, R.A. (Eds.), Clastic Tidal Sedimentology, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 16, pp. 301-312.

Martini, I.P., 1991. Assessment of impact of proposed Hydro-dams on the erosion and siltation of the Moose River, Northern Ontario. Informal reports for the James Bay Coalition.

Martini, I.P., 1990. Aeolian features of the recent, subarctic coastal zone of the Hudson Bay Lowland, Ontario, Canada. In: Davidson Arnott, R. (ed.), Proceedings Canadian Symposium on Coastal Sand Dunes, National Research Council, Ottawa. pp. 137-157.

Martini, I.P., 1989. The Hudson Bay Lowland: Major geologic features and assets. Geologie en Mijnbouw, 68: 25-34.

Glooschenko, W.A. and I.P. Martini, 1987. Vegetation of river-influenced coastal marshes of the southwestern end of James Bay, Ontario.Wetlands 7: 71-84.

Glooschenko, W.A., I.P. Martini, K. Clark., 1988. Salt marshes of Canada. In: Wetlands of Canada, edited by National Wetlands Working Group. Ecological Land Classification Series, N.24. Environment Canada. pp. 350‑377.

Martini, I.P. and R.I.G. Morrison, 1987. Regional distribution of Macoma balthica and Hydrobia minuta on the subarctic coasts of Hudson Bay and James Bay, Ontario, Canada. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 24: 47-68.

Martini, I.P., 1986. Coastal features of Canadian Inland Seas. In: I.P. Martini (ed.), Canadian Inland Seas Oceanographic Series. Elsevier Publ., Amsterdam. pp. 117-142.

Martini, I.P. (Ed.), 1986. Canadian Inland Seas Oceanographic Series. Elsevier Publ., Amsterdam. 496 pp.

Martini, I.P. and W. Glooschenko, 1985. Cold climate peat formation in Canada and its relevance to Lower Permian coal measures of Australia. Earth Science Reviews, 22: 107-140.

Protz, R., G.J. Ross, I.P. Martini and J. Terasmae, 1984. Rate of podzolic soil formation near Hudson Bay, Ontario. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 54: 31-49.

Martini, I.P. (ed.), 1984. Sedimentary geology of Akimiski Island, Canada. Sedimentary Geology, Special Issue, v. 37, no. 4, pp. 225-320.

Martini, I.P. and W.A. Glooschenko. 1985. Cold climate environments of peat formation in Canada. Proc. 18th Symposium Advances in the Study of the Sydney Basin, Department of Geology, University of Newcastle, N.W.W., Australia.

Martini, I.P., 1983. Considerations on the subarctic coastal environments of the Akimiski Island area, N.W.T. and Ontario, Canada. Sedimentary Geology, 37: 225-228.

King, W.A. and I.P. Martini, 1983. Morphology and recent sediments of the lower anastomosing reaches of the Attawapiskat River, James Bay, Ontario, Canada. Sedimentary Geology, 37: 295-320.

Grinham, D.F. and I.P. Martini, 1983. Sedimentology of the Ekwan Shoal, Akimiski Strait, James Bay, Canada. Sedimentary Geology, 37: 273-294.

Glooschenko, W.A. and I.P. Martini, 1983. Wetlands of the Attawaspiskat River Mouth, James Bay, Ontario, Canada. Wetlands 3: 64-76

Martini, I.P. and D.F. Grinham. 1983. Sedimentary conditions and deposits of Akimiski Strait, James Bay, Canada. Sedimentary Geology, 37: 251-272.

Martini, I.P. and R. Protz, 1983. Selected papers on the Hudson Bay Lowland. Dept. of Land Resource Science, University of Guelph. Tech. Memo 83-1.

Martini, I.P. and W.A. Glooschenko, 1983. Emergent coasts of Akimiski Island, James Bay, Northwestern Territories, Canada: Geology, Geomorphology and Vegetation. Sedimentary Geology, 37: 229-250.

Salvadori, A., N. Bredin, R. Lohr and I.P. Martini, 1983. The Hudson Bay Lowland Information Retrieval System, Dept. Computing and Information Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario. Technical Report CIS83-3, 122 pp.

Clarke, K.E., I.P. Martini and W. Glooschenko. 1982. Sedimentary characteristics of the coastal environments of North Point, Ontario. Le Naturaliste canadien, 109: 385-397.

Martini, I.P. (ed.), 1982. Introduction to scientific studies in Hudson and James Bay. Selected refereed papers presented at the Multi disciplinary Symposium of Guelph 1981. Le Naturaliste Canadien, 109: 301-305.

Martini, I.P. 1982. Geomorphological features of the Ontario coast of Hudson. Le Naturaliste canadien, 109: 415-429.

Martini, I.P. 1982. Coastal dunes of Ontario: Distribution and geomorphology. Geographie Physique et Quaternaire, XXXV: 219-229.

Martini, I.P. (ed.), 1982. Scientific studies in Hudson and James Bays: selected refereed papers presented at the multidisciplinary symposium of Guelph, 1981. Le Naturaliste canadien, Special issues, V. 109, N. 3,4, pp. 301-1019.

Martini, I.P., R. Protz and A. Salvadori, 1982. Ecological coastal studies of Hudson-James Bay, Ontario, Canada. Final report for 1981-82 for Environment Canada. 8 pp. + data appendices.

Scott, D.B. and I.P. Martini. 1982. Marsh foraminiferal zonations from James Bay. Le Naturaliste canadien, 109: 399-414.

Martini, I.P. 1981. Emergent coastal landscapes of the Hudson Bay Lowland, Ontario, Canada. OCEANIS, 7: 415-429.

Martini, I.P. 1981. Morphology and sediments of the emergent Ontario coast of James Bay, Canada. Geogr. Annaler Ser A, 63: 81-94.

Martini, I.P. 1981. Ice effect on erosion and sedimentation on the Ontario shores of James Bay, Canada. Zeit. fur Geomorph, 25: 1-16.

Glooschenko, W.A. and I.P. Martini. 1981. Salt marshes of the Ontario coast of Hudson Bay, Canada. Wetlands, 1: 9-18.

Martini, I.P., R.I.G. Morrison, W.A. Glooschenko and R. Protz. 1980. Coastal studies in James Bay, Ontario. Geoscience Canada, 7: 11-21.

Martini, I.P. 1980. Sea ice generated features of coastal sediments of James Bay, Ont. In Proceedings Canadian Coastal Conferences 1980, N.R.C., C.C.I.W., Burlington, Ont. pp. 93 102.

Martini, I.P., D.W. Cowell and G.M. Wickware. 1980. Geomorphology of Southern James Bay: A low energy, emergent coast. In S.B. McCann (ed.) Coastline of Canada. Geological Survey of Canada. pp. 293-301.

Martini, I.P., 1980. Assessment on the feasibility of a deep harbour in southern James Bay. Informal report for Moosonee Development Group.

Martini, I.P. and R. Protz, 1980. Coastal geomorphology, sedimentology and pedology of Northern James Bay, Ontario, Canada. Dept. of Land Resource Science, Tech. Memo 80-1, University of Guelph, 117 pp.

Martini, I.P., R. Protz, D. Grinham, W.A. King and K.E. Clarke, 1979. Studies of coastal sediments, soils and biota, James Bay, Ontario, Canada. University of Guelph, Dept. of Land Resource Science, Tech. Memo 79-1. 290 pp.

Martini, I.P. and R. Protz, 1978. Coastal geomorphology, sedimentology and pedology of Southern James Bay, Ontario, Canada. University of Guelph, Dept. of Land Resource Science Tech. Memo 78-1, 316 pp.

Glooschenko, W.A. and I.P. Martini. 1978. Hudson Bay Lowlands Baseline Study. Proceedings ASCE Coastal Conference, San Francisco, 1978, v. II, pp. 663-679.

Martini, I.P. 1973. Instant peels using polyester resin. J. Sed. Petrology, 43: 231-234.


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