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Publications; ITALY
Pascucci V., Martini I. P., Sagri M., and Sandrelli F. (2007, in press). Effects of the transverse structural lineaments on Neogene - Quaternary basins of Tuscany (inner Northern Apennines, Italy). Sedimentology. Cassinis, G. (ed.) and Aldinucci, M., Dallagiovanna, G., Durand, M., Gaggero, L., Martini, I.P., Pandeli, E., Sandrelli, F. and Tongiorgi, M. (authors), 2006. Late Paleozoic to Triassic continental deposits from Provence, Ligurian Alps and NW Tuscany ¨C Field Trip Guidebook. Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Pavia University, Pavia, Italy, 90 pp. Pascucci, V., Costantini, A., Martini, I.P., and Dringoli, R., (2005) Tectono-sedimentary analysis of a complex, extensional, Neogene basin formed on thrust-faulted, Northern Apennines hinterland: Radicofani Basin, Italy. Sedimentary Geology., 183: 71-97. Sagri, M., Martini, I.P., and Pascucci, V. (eds), 2004. Sedimentary and tectonic evolution of selected Neogene-Quaternary basins of the Apennines (Italy). Field guidebook, 32nd International Geological Congress 2004, Florence, Italy. APAT ¨C Italian Agency - Rome, 44 pp. Costantini, A., and Martini I.P., 2004. Siena (central Italy): Urban geology, art and history of a medieval hilltop town and its "Bottini" (underground aqueduct) and monumental fountains. Field guidebook, 32nd International Geological Congress 2004, Florence, Italy. APAT ¨C Italian Agency - Rome, 16 pp.
V., Fontanesi, G., Merlini, S. and Martini, I.P. (2002).
Tuscan Shelf-western Tuscany extension - Evidence of the early post-compressional
deposits (Tyrrhenian Sea-Northern Apennines, Italy). Ofioliti.
Benvenuti, M. and
Martini, I.P., 2002. Analysis of terrestrial hyperconcentrated flows and their continental deposits. In: I. P. Martini, V.R.
Baker and G. Garzon (eds.) Flood and megaflood processes and deposits.
Sedimentology, Special Publication 32, pp. 167-194.
I.P, Sagri M. and Colella A., 2001. Neogene-Quaternary
basins of the inner Apennines and Calabrian arc, Italy. In:
G.B. Vai and I.P.Martini (eds.).
Anatomy of an orogen: Northern Apennines and Adjacent Mediterranean
Basins. Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht, pp. 375-400.
G.B. and Martini, I.P., 2001. Geomorphic setting. In: G.B. Vai and I.P.Martini
(eds.). Anatomy of an orogen:
Northern Apennines and Adjacent Mediterranean Basins. Kluwer Academic Publ.,
Dordrecht, pp. 1-4.
G.B. and Martini, I.P., 2001. Summaries of contributions and few
considerations. In: G.B. Vai and I.P.Martini (eds.). Anatomy
of an orogen: Northern Apennines and Adjacent Mediterranean Basins. Kluwer
Academic Publ., Dordrecht, pp. 5-14.
G.B. and Martini, I.P. (ed.), 2001. Anatomy of an orogen: Northern Apennines
and Adjacent Mediterranean Basins. Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht, 632 pp.
V., Merlini, S. and Martini, I.P., 1999. Seismic
stratigraphy of the Miocene-Pleistocene sedimentary basins of the northern
Tyrrhenian Sea and western Tuscany (Italy). Basin Research, 11: 337-356.
I.P., Pascucci, V., and Sandrelli, F., 1995. Late
Miocene paleogeography of the Monte Soldano area, southeastern part of
Volterra Basin, Tuscany, Italy. Giorn. Paleontologia e stratigrafia, 101:
I.P., Cascella, A., and Rau, A., 1995. The Manciano
Sandstone: a shoreface deposit of Miocenic "Satellite Basins" of the
Northern Apennines, Italy. Sedimentary Geology, pp. 37-59.
Sagri, M., Martini,
I.P., Benvenuti, M., and Magi, M., 1994. Basin fill architecture of the
Neogene-Quaternary extensional basins in the Northern Apennines. Field Guide.
15th IAS Regional Meeting Ischia, Excursion B4 April 17-19, 1994. 31 pp.
I.P., 1994.
Geology and Geomorphology of the Lower Liri Valley, Italy. In: J.W. Hayes and
I. P. Martini (eds.), Archaeological survey in the Lower Liri Valley, Central
Italy. B.U.R., Oxford, pp. 5-10.
J.W. and
Martini, I.P. (eds.), 1994. Archaeological survey in the Lower Liri Valley,
Central Italy. B.U.R., Oxford. 213 pp.
Martini, I.P. and
Sagri, M., 1993. Tectono-sedimentary
characteristics of Late Miocene-Quaternary extensional basins of the Northern
Apennines, Italy. Earth Science Reviews, 34: 197-233. Martini, I.P., Oggiano
G. and Mazzei R., 1992. Siliciclastic-carbonate
sequences of Miocene grabens of northern Sardinia, western Mediterranean Sea.
Sedimentary Geology, 76: 63-78.
Martini, I.P.,
Tongiorgi, M., Oggiano, G., and Cocozza T., 1991.
Ordovician alluvial fan to marine shelf transition in SW Sardinia, western
Mediterranean Sea: tectonically ("Sardic Phase") influenced clastic
sedimentation. Sedimentary Geology, 72: 97-115.
Rau, A, Tongiorgi, M.
and Martini, I.P., 1989. La successione di Punta Bianca: un esempio di rift
"abortivo" nel Trias medio del Dominio Toscano. Mem. Soc. Geol.
Ital. 30: 115-125.
Martini, I.P., and E.M.
Wightman. 1987. Geomorphology and ancient
settlements of the southern flank of Mt. Cairo, Lower Liri Valley, Italy.
Geoarchaeology, 2: 131-147.
Martini, I.P., E.M.
Wightman and P. Hemphill, 1987. Bridging a
seasonal torrent: The Melfa River, Southern Lazio, Italy. Geoarchaeology, 2:
Martini, I.P., A. Rau
and M. Tongiorgi, 1986. Syntectonic
sedimentation in a Middle Triassic Rift, Northern Apennines, Italy.
Sedimentary Geology, 47: 191-219.
Martini, I.P., 1980.
Landscape analysis of the Middle Liri Valley. Report for Canada Council,
Ottawa. 10 pp.
Martini, I.P., M.
Sagri, and J.H. Doveton, 1978. Lithologic
transition and bed thickness periodicities in turbidite successions of the
Antola Formation, Northern Apennines, Italy. Sedimentology, 48: 605-623.
Martini, I.P., 1978.
Archaeological surface survey in the Middle Liri Valley (Valle Latina), Lazio,
Italy. a) Geology, topography and landuse. Report of field work (summer 1978),
for Canada Council, Ottawa, Canada. 30 pp.
Martini, I.P.
1978. Tafoni weathering, with examples from Tuscany, Italy. Zeit. fur
Geomorph. N.F., 22: 44-67.
Martini, I.P. and M.
Sagri. 1977. Sedimentary fillings of ancient
deep sea channels: two examples from Northern Apennines (Italy). J. Sed.
Petrology, 47: 1542-1553.
Tongiorgi, M., A. Rau
and I.P. Martini. 1977. Sedimentology of
early-alpine, fluviomarine, clastic deposits (Verrucano, Triassic) in the
Monti Pisani (Italy). Sedimentary Geology, 17: 311-332. |