BookitLab Instructions for Users
This guide will help users access BookitLab and book equipment using this system. If after reading this guide, you require more information, please email with your questions or concerns.
Accessing BookitLab for the first time
The following needs to be done only on using BookitLab for the first time. To access BookitLab follow this link On this website, select the “Guelph Login” which will direct you to the SSO. Please sign on. The below screen will pop up. Select your user group (lab group), then “Submit Your Join Request”. Your PI or lab coordinator will receive an email to approve your request. Once approved, you will have access to the system.
Booking Equipment
To book equipment, all users need to be trained by facility staff. To arrange a training session for equipment, please email with the training you would like to receive. Users who have already received training from facility staff can be grandparented into the new system. Please email with the training you previously had, after your PI has approved your join request. Once training is completed, equipment will be available for booking.
To book equipment, follow the steps below:
Log-in to the system
On the home page, select the “+ Reservation” button in the top left corner
On the next page, select the equipment you would like to use
On the next screen, view the sidebar on the right. In this box select your reservation time, and ensure that your “User Group”, “User” and your “Project Name” (your grant) are correct. For QuantStudio users: enter the number of runs (plates) that you will be running as and change “Accompanied Service” to “Not Time Sensitive” unless you are running specialty assays which must be run promptly at the booking start time. Once completed, click save. Your reservation will appear on the schedule.