Protein ID
Tryptic digest of a simple mixture followed by MS analysis and database search using PEAKS 10 software.
Submission form for Protein ID
Equipment Used: Thermo Easy nLC Orbitrap Exploris 240
Facility: Mass Spectrometry
Advanced Light Microscopy
Training on and subsequent independent use of advanced light microscopes.
Assisted use of advanced light microscopes.
Facility: Molecular and Cellular Imaging
Agilent TapeStation 4150 Service
The TapeStation system allows for automated electrophoresis of most DNA and RNA samples. Typical applications include quality control (QC) of NGS libraries and RNA extractions (ie. RIN). This method excels in the determination of fragment length distribution of nucleic acid samples, but is not typically relied on for accurate quantification. The TapeStation can be used in place of the BioAnalyzer for most applications, but cannot currently be used for small/micro RNA analysis.
Service includes Standard and High Sensitivity assays for RNA, DNA >1kb, and DNA >5kb, as well as a Standard gDNA assay.
Request Form: AAC TapeStation Request Form
Equipment Used: Agilent TapeStation 4150
Facility: Genomics
DNA Sequencing
Sample submission considerations.
The facility provides a number of standard sequencing primers for common plasmid vectors.
Custom primers should be provided at a concentration of 5 uM (=5 pmol/uL).
Request Forms:
Individual Sample Submissions
Sanger Sequencing Request - Use this form to submit DNA templates (ie. PCR amplicons, Plasmids, etc.) for sequencing
DIY Sequencing Request - Use this for to submit completed flourescent Sanger products (ie. BigDye reactions) for sequencing
For full and half-plate submissions please contact the facility
Equipment Used: Applied Biosystems 3730 DNA analyzer
Facility: Genomics
Electron Microscopy
Assisted or independent use of electron microscopes.
Facility: Molecular and Cellular Imaging
Flow Cytometry
Data Acquisition
Cell Sorting
Facility: Molecular and Cellular Imaging
Fragment Analysis
Information on sample submission and how it works.
Equipment Used: Applied Biosystems 3730 DNA analyzer
Facility: Genomics
Gene Expression Services
- Real Time PCR
- Digital Droplet PCR
Request Forms:
Digital Droplet PCR Request
Real-Time PCR Registration
Real-Time PCR Request
Equipment Used:
BioRad Qx200 Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) System
QuantStudio 7 Pro Real-Time PCR System
Facility: Genomics
Image Processing
- LASAF - Leica Application Software Advanced Fluorescence
- Volocity
- Metamorph
- NIS Elements
- Zen 2.6 Blue, ZEN Lite
- Sony Cell Sorter software
- Gen5 Image+
- Amira
- Imod
Facility: Molecular and Cellular Imaging
MALDI-TOF Analysis
Fast mass analysis of proteins, polymers, lipids, DNA/RNA, polysaccharides, organometallic compounds etc. Mass range 500-500 KDa.
Requires co-crystalization of sample with matrix.
Information on matrices can be found Selection Guide of Suitable MALDI Matrix and here.
Submission form for MALDI-TOF analysis.
Equipment Used: Bruker Autoflex maX MALDI-TOF/TOF
Facility: Mass Spectrometry