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Undergraduate Degree Requirements for Quebec Applicants

General Requirements

Undergraduate program applicants from Quebec must present the following:

Grade 12 Requirements:

  1. High School Diploma
  2. 6 academic Grade 12 courses (university-preparation level), including the required courses for your chosen degree, as outlined below

CEGEP Requirements:

  1. 12 academic courses, including required courses for your chosen degree, as outlined below.


Things to remember:

  • Estimated cutoff ranges are based on admission averages from previous years and are provided as a point of reference. Exact cut-offs are determined by the quantity and quality of applications received and the space available in the program. Having an average within this range does not guarantee admission.
  • Co-op averages will often exceed the estimated cut-off ranges. Students not admissible to co-op will be automatically considered for the regular program.
  • Majors with a single asterisk * indicates that the program is offered with and without co-op.
  • Majors with a double asterisk ** indicate that the program is pending Senate approval and is offered fully online. Students enrolled in the online program cannot take in-person courses.

Admission Requirements by Program - Quebec Students

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