AHL LabNote 52-EIA (equine infectious anemia) ELISA at the AHL - Specimen submission requirements

AHL is one of the CFIA-approved laboratories for EIA testing in Canada:


The AHL cannot accept submissions from owners – we must follow the CFIA Accredited Veterinarians Manual as directed:

Section 3.2.

The shipment of samples must never be entrusted to the animal owner or exporter.

The accredited veterinarian must be able to maintain a chain of custody for samples shipped to the laboratories.

Samples to be shipped may be grouped at an intermediary location into a larger shipment provided that the samples are not opened and / or repackaged after leaving the accredited veterinarian possession.

As an alternative, AHL has several options for courier services if expedited sample submission is needed:

  1. Local courier options

TODS – please contact AHL for details

  1. Overnight courier options

Purolator courier – included in our fees using our return waybills – please contact us to order at ahlinfo@uoguelph.ca

LabNote 27

LabNote 46

AHL must have written permission from the veterinarian to release results to anyone except the veterinarian or CFIA.

Fees for EIA testing are as follows –

              EIA - $16.80            CFIA fee recovery - $2.00

Total cost for EIA - $18.80 per sample

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. 

Tim Pasma

Client Services Veterinarian


519-824-4120 ext  54611

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