LabNote 27
Submission Instructions
LabNote 36
Clinical sampling for Virology testing at AHL - Sampling supplies |
LabNote 37
Viewing reports and invoices online |
LabNote 38
Sample handling and splitting charges at AHL |
LabNote 40
How to pool samples for submission to the AHL |
LabNote 41
Fixation and transport of large excisional biopsies
LabNote 43
Reporting of lab test results |
LabNote 46
Purolator Express Return Labels for Overnight Prepaid Courier Services |
LabNote 48
AHL Farmed Animal Submissions and Premises ID |
Labnote 50
Postmortem submissions via courier |
LabNote 63
SARS COV-2 (COVID-19): Animal Testing at the Animal Health Laboratory |
LabNote 68
Test Selection for Surgical Pathology Specimens |
LabNote 22
Which test for an infectious agent? When? |
LabNote 29
Summary of Influenza A virus testing |
LabNote 35
Making sense of Salmonella spp. serotyping results |
LabNote 45
Maximizing the benefit of surgical biopsies |
LabNote 59
GC/MS-LC/MS multi-residue method |
LabNote 64
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) |
LabNote 1
Summary of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) testing at the AHL |
LabNote 4
Nutritional and metabolic profile testing of dairy cows |
LabNote 7
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) testing at the AHL |
LabNote 19
Liver Biopsy procedure in cattle |
LabNote 20
Equine herpes virus 1 disease surveillance |
LabNote 52
Equine infectious anemia (EIA) testing at the AHL - Specimen submission requirements |
LabNote 55
Handling submissions requesting Equine neurological disease testing |
LabNote 56
Equine PPID and EMS testing |
LabNote 67
Diagnosis of strangles |
LabNote 3
Collecting and submitting poultry blood samples to the AHL |
LabNote 17
Avian bornavirus and proventricular dilation disease |
LabNote 26
Tips for pet bird pathology submissions to the AHL |
LabNote 54
Blackhead (histomoniasis) in small turkey flocks |
LabNote 58
Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) infections in small poultry flocks |
LabNote 60
Avian reovirus testing of hock joints, sampling and submission |
LabNote 62
Diagnosing respiratory disease in backyard chickens |
LabNote 65
Avian Influenza Testing Protocol for Practitioners |
LabNote 30
Porcine PEDV and PDCoV testing at the AHL |
LabNote 57
Companion Animal Influenza Information |
LabNote 61
Brucella Canis Resources and Information for Veterinarians
LabNote 5
Recommendations for testing for bovine viral diarrhea virus in alpacas and llamas |
LabNote 32
Honey bee testing at the AHL |
LabNote 53
Seoul Virus testing in Rats |
LabNote 66
RHDV (Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus) testing at AHL
LabNote 2
Tips for practitioners for field postmortems |
LabNote 33
Brain removal in field postmortems |
LabNote 34
Field and clinic postmortems I: Simplified protocol and image list |
LabNote 42
Field and clinic postmortems: Simplified protocol and image list |