Submission Forms and Special Projects

Please select and complete the appropriate form from below when submitting samples.

You can also order customized submission forms online by logging in to our Client Access page. 

Current Special Project Forms/Websites

Supply Request Form

Scrapie Flock Certification Program

Ontario Maedi Visna Flock Status Program

**Print off and fill out the first page (without ID’s unless less 5)  of the Ontario Maedi Visna Flock Status Program submission form and send with the samples (indicating that an excel spreadsheet of ID’s has been sent)   For IDs fill out and print off the Excel Spreadsheet Maedi Visna Flock Status Program- Animal IDs.  Save a copy of the spreadsheet, and email to**

OMAFRA CWD - On Farm Death and Slaughter 

CFIA-Bovine Brucellosis Abortion Screening Pilot Project


External Laboratory Forms

   (These forms have the AHL information already included and require Veterinarian signature)

Urolith Submission Forms

AHL - Water Testing Form

(Any water sample coming to the Animal Health Laboratory for testing must include this form signed by the Veterinarian)

Paper copies of the forms can also be ordered via email, fax, or phone.

If you are not sure which form to use, please contact AHL Client Services.