AHL LabNote 46-Purolator Express Return Labels for Overnight Prepaid Courier Services
Email: ahlinfo@uoguelph.ca or call for urgent orders 519-824-4120 extension 54530
Purolator Express Return Labels (waybills) are generated by AHL and sent to the requester via email.
Important considerations when using the Purolator Express Return Label:
- Please only use each Purolator Express Return Label one time
- The labels have a unique barcode number (PIN#) - it is scanned by Purolator at pickup time
- Keep a record of the PIN# and track your package
- Affix the Purolator Express Return Label to your package
- Contact Purolator directly for a pickup if you do not have a predetermined pickup time
- Check to see if Purolator offers – parcel pickup in your area, if not you may have to drop off your package to the nearest Purolator pickup location. (For Purolator drop off locations go to:
- The parcel weight is set as 1 lb. it will be adjusted by Purolator upon pickup if the package weighs more
- For the best outcome ship your package *** Monday to Thursday for next day delivery***consider the time of year –temperature heat/cold- when packing your parcel e.g. – use of ice packs/insulated packaging
- Use Puropak (Purolator bag) or your own packaging –
- Puroletter envelopes
- Add “Early Delivery” stickers
- Styrofoam containers (allowed only if the stryrofoam container is inserted into a cardboard box)
- Limit shipments/per day - for multiple packages received from the same client/same day shipping charges may apply. (Not applicable for formalin containers shipped separately from hematology/cytology slides – formalin fumes can cause issues with slides!)
- Urolith submissions are not eligible for Purolator Express Return Labels - courier charges will apply.