In this issue
Animal Health Lab User’s Guide and Fee Schedule – May 1, 2021
Staff highlights: Whole genome sequencing (WGS) at AHL
Update on submission of live animals for postmortem
Changes in AHL Histopathology charging parameters for 2021/2022
Congenital disproportionate dwarfism in a beef calf
Congenital BVDV type 1 infection in a group of lambs: a shaky situation
Porcine circovirus 3 (PCV3) results at the AHL, 2018-2021
CanSpot ASF surveillance testing – reminder for swine veterinarians
Disseminated idiopathic myofasciitis in a ferret
Baylisascaris-associated neural larval migrans in a group of juvenile Red-necked wallabies
Spotlight on equine hemangiosarcoma
Squamous cell carcinoma in the hoof of a horse
Companion animals
Acetaminophen intoxication in a dog
Flow cytometry confirmation of canine histiocytic sarcoma
Disseminated mycobacteriosis in a Siberian cat (Mycobacterium avium subsp. hominissuis)
AHL Newsletter
June 2021 - Volume 25, Number 2 ISSN 1481-7179
Editor: Maria Spinato, DVM, DVSc, MBA, Diplomate ACVP
Editorial Assistant: Helen Oliver
The AHL Newsletter is published quarterly (March, June, September, December) by the Animal Health Laboratory, Laboratory Services Division, University of Guelph.
Its mission is to inform AHL clients and partners about AHL current activities, and laboratory-based animal disease events and disease trends. All material is copyright 2021. Ideas and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the University or the Editor.
Articles may be reprinted with the permission of the Editor and with appropriate credit given to the AHL Newsletter.
Mailing address & contact information:
Animal Health Laboratory
Laboratory Services Division, University of Guelph
Box 3612, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1H 6R8
Phone: (519) 824-4120 ext 54538; fax: (519) 821-8072
To receive an electronic copy of this Newsletter, please send your email address to: holiver@uoguelph.ca