The Swine OAHN (Ontario Animal Health Network)  

Melanie Barham


The Ontario Animal Health Network is up and running in the swine sector!

What is OAHN? OAHN is a new way for Ontario commodity groups to tackle important disease issues in their sector, collaborate with other industries, and access valuable resources. Each sector will have an “Expert Network” comprising an AHL, OVC, and OMAFRA species specialist and up to 3 private practitioners. The Expert Network will meet regularly to discuss pertinent diseases and issues affecting the sector. Laboratory data will be discussed, together with the results of a quarterly veterinary survey. The network’s focus is on identifying trends and actionable items for the industry, and will work together with producer groups. Networks will also participate in cross-species information sharing, and the OAHN plan will be able to link in with other provinces and a national program as these initiatives are developed.

Species-specific Expert Network

Networks currently in operation:

Fish, poultry, small ruminants, swine.

Under development:

Bees, bovine, companion animals, equine, fur-bearing/alternative, wildlife.

Swine OAHN

* OAHN is patterned on CSHIN (Canadian Swine Health Information Network), and will serve as the Ontario node if CSHIN is funded and continues.

* The second swine network teleconference was held January 29th to discuss Oct/Nov/Dec 2014 clinical impression survey information. The AHL and Gallant Custom Laboratories provided lab data for the quarter.

* A veterinary report and a producer report were published and distributed. The producer report focus was post-weaning colibacillosis.

* OAHN data is being shared with CSHIN’s national program.

* Ontario Pork and OSHAB are close advisors for this network and we look forward to a continued close relationship with producer groups.  The full reports can be obtained by emailing barhamm@uoguelph.ca .

* Ongoing surveillance testing for PED has been funded through OAHN.

* Check out our OAHN podcast about neonatal piglet diarrhea!


OAHN Podcasts - Our podcasts are available in iTunes, so you can access them via any Apple device and subscribe so you never miss an episode. As always, they are also available on our podbean site: barhamm.podbean.com .

Social media - Our Facebook and Twitter (@OntAnHealthNet) feeds offer up to date disease notifications, as well as news stories and information for you to repost to your clinic website or Facebook/Twitter feeds if you so choose.

Website - We are designing a new website for the OAHN program, launching this spring.

Farm press - The OAHN program was also featured in an Ontario Farmer article.


Questions?  Comments?  Would you like a copy of the reports?  Do you want to be included on surveys or mailing lists? Contact Dr. Melanie Barham at (519) 824-4120 x53364 or barhamm@uoguelph.ca.

Website: OAHN Website

Podcasts: OAHN Podcasts