AHL LabNote 40-How to pool samples for submission to the Animal Health Lab

The Animal Health Lab recommends the following steps as a guideline to submitting pooled samples for testing:

Blood or serum/Swabs:                                               

  1. Process specimens as soon as possible.
  2. Wear gloves. Change gloves between submissions.
  3. If specimen is a swab, vortex before proceeding to the next step.
  4. Centrifuge clotted blood samples and swabs in a hermetically sealed centrifuge cup (with centrifuge caps applied) at 1,500-2,000 x g for 10±1 min (Figure A).
  5. Working in a biological safety cabinet, arrange spun samples in a rack (Figure B).
  6. Clearly label the required number of 2.0 mL vials needed,

(e.g., 20 blood samples pooled by 5 = 4 vials).

  1. Using a new transfer pipette for each sample, pool equal amounts of sera/fluid from each sample to make a minimum of 1.5 mL of supernatant in a 2.0 mL vial.
  2. Submit to the laboratory as soon as possible.

Note: We do not recommend pooling oral fluids and environmental fluid samples; for best results it is recommended to pool by maximum of 5.

Figure A: Sample centrifugation, before attaching centrifuge caps


Figure B: Sample arrangement, transferring samples to micro tubes







Item 1:

Product Description: Unwire Test Tube Rack

Part Number: 14-809-60

Supplier: Fisher Scientific

Call (519) 824-4120 x 54320 for pricing

*NOTE: One time purchase, can re-use racks indefinitely, please disinfect regularly to prevent contamination

Item 2:

Product Description: Disposable Transfer Pipettes

Part Number: 13-711-9CM

Supplier: Fisher Scientific

Call (519) 824-4120 x 54320 for pricing

Item 3:

Product Description: Microcentrifuge Tube Racks

Part Number: 05-541-45

Supplier:  Fisher Scientific

Call (519) 824-4120 x 54320 for pricing

*NOTE: One time purchase, can re-use racks indefinitely, please disinfect regularly to prevent contamination, prices vary based on rack colour, above part number is blue.    

Item 4:

Product Description: Micro tube 2 mL, with screw cap; PCR certified

Part Number: 72.694.406

Supplier: Sarstedt

Call (519) 824-4120 x 54320 for pricing

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