Update from the Director



The view from the Director's office

The view from the Director’s office

The end of summer is approaching, and while our neighbours in Western and Eastern Canada have experienced many devastating weather-related events, those of us in Ontario can only complain about too many soggy days and a few hail and wind storms.  The insects have flourished in this weather as well, and it is that time of year when vector-borne diseases such as EEE and West Nile virus are increasing in numbers, in addition to Lyme disease and Anaplasma phagocytophilum.  Check out this month’s articles on best practices for testing for Eastern equine encephalitis virus and West Nile virus encephalopathies, leucocytozoonosis in multiple avian species, as well as the OAHN companion animal network’s recently-released infographic on the distribution of Lyme disease and its associated tick vector. 

It is very important to stop and take some time during our hectic schedules to celebrate our successes.  We are pleased to announce that Ms. Joanna Sawicki, AHL’s Virology Technical Supervisor, has been awarded the University of Guelph President’s Exemplary Staff Award in the category of Service Excellence.  This award is in recognition of the superb service that Joanna provided to CFIA and industry clients during the HPAI outbreaks during 2022 and 2023.  Joanna’s leadership and communication skills have been praised by those who worked with her during these outbreaks.  Congratulations on this well-deserved award Joanna!

I hope you have been able to take some time off this summer, and are feeling revitalized and prepared for the busy fall ahead.

Maria Spinato, Director

Animal Health Laboratory, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON