OAHN bovine project-Get involved! 
Part 1: Bulk tank samplesAs part of the OAHN bovine network, a 2-part bovine surveillance project is underway.
Bulk tank milk samples from enrolled herds will be tested once for antibody to Salmonella Dublin (a means of detecting carrier cows).
Part 2: Subsidized calf postmortems
Calf postmortems are subsidized so vets and producers can learn more about calf health and mortality. Participating practitioners will be reimbursed for postmortems performed on-farm, with a subset of testing performed at AHL at no charge OR calves can be submitted to the AHL for postmortem and the same subsidized testing.
Enrollment forms for bulk tank testing and calf postmortems are posted at To participate or for more information, please contact Ann Godkin at
AHL milk bacteriology in-clinic laboratory proficiency program
Jim Fairles, Josie Given
The AHL is pleased to announce the addition of outreach services to our repertoire. As indicated last edition, Josie Given is leading this as Client Outreach Technician. Her position will focus on a voluntary pilot AHL milk bacteriology quality program. Her clinic visits will include preanalytical aspects of laboratory submissions - sample handling and shipping, electronic and customized submission forms, premises ID, and submission supplies. Josie will be able to assist in all areas of in-clinic laboratory quality assurance, including clinical pathology and parasitology. This support should help clinics provide the best possible results to their clients.
The purpose of the Milk Bacteriology In-Clinic Laboratory Proficiency Program is to provide an external quality assurance program for assessing and monitoring laboratory methods in veterinary practice laboratories for the diagnosis of bovine intramammary infections. This program will provide education and self-assessment for in-clinic staff. Laboratory quality assurance will ensure accurate and appropriate bovine mastitis diagnoses and improve client confidence.
To enroll in this voluntary program contact Josie. She will arrange an initial visit to your clinic. (, 519-824-4120 ext 54320 or 54530.) During the visit Josie will work with clinic laboratory staff to assess laboratory set up, record keeping, and protocols for milk bacteriology. These will be reviewed using standardized quality assurance protocols.
For the first year this is being funded by the Disease Surveillance program pillar associated with better tools for diagnosis.
Please see further information in our LabNote 47 - AHL Milk Bacteriology In-Clinic Laboratory Proficiency Program
Fecal oocyst count, modified McMaster – new test in the AHL Parasitology Lab
Mary Lake, Hugh Cai
Set-up primarily for fecal Eimeria spp. counts for the poultry industry, this test can be selected for Eimeria spp. counts in ruminants as well. The modified McMaster allows for serial dilutions to be performed so a finite oocyst count can be achieved. This test is performed on feces only.
If batching or collecting feces from multiple sources, please make sure the fecal material is mixed well prior to submitting to AHL. Feces should be submitted in re-sealable bags or screw-top containers.
Please do not submit feces in gloves. This test is performed on 2-4 g of feces.
The test code is focmm, the fee is $30.00 per sample, with a 3-5 day turnaround time.