
In this issue:
Cold weather shipping reminder
Johne's (Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis) antibody testing update in goats
AHL successfully achieves external audit re-accreditation!
An outbreak of blackleg (clostridial myositis) in unvaccinated beef calves
Update on bovine Ureaplasma submissions
CFIA bovine brucellosis abortion screening pilot project
Senecavirus A: First clinical case in an Ontario commercial swine herd
Edema disease as the cause of neurologic signs in nursery pigs
Acute respiratory distress in wild caught round goby (Neogobius melanostomus)
Diagnosing enteric disease in backyard chickens
Incidental cysticercosis in a pet rabbit
Companion animals
Causes of sudden unexpected death in dogs and cats - it's not the neighbour!