Feline coronavirus (FIP) - kELISA
Days test started:
ship M-Th
4-6 d*
Available for:
Companion Animal
Specimen Type/Volume
1) 1 mL serum, or 2) 1 mL plasma.Shipping Information
Ship in insulated container with freezer packs.Collection Protocol
1) Collect blood into a red-top tube. 2) Collect blood into a purple-top tube, separate plasma and then transfer into a plain tube, containing no additives, freeze.Additional Information
This test is sent to an external laboratory. Feline coronavirus ELISA (FCOV) detects IgG antibodies directed against feline enteric coronvirus. Shipping (test code: xtrnu), handling (test code: xhand) and accession (test code: xacccor) fees are also applicable on each submission. External test price is subject to change.