Update from the Director

The view from the Director’s office

The view from the Director’s office

Spring is a period of change as we look forward to planting (gardens and fields), rearing young animals, and transitioning to the all-too-brief summer experienced here in Canada.  Every May 1st, AHL publishes a new Fee Schedule and User’s Guide (page 2) with helpful information on submitting samples to the laboratory for testing.  This information is also available on the AHL website at https://www.uoguelph.ca/ahl/

There are significant changes in several bacteriology tests at AHL, related to upgraded technology that expedites screening (see poultry environmental sample testing update) and provides more relevant and accurate results (see AHL testing update for companion animals and other (exotic) animal species).  Additional important updates for the poultry industry include a change in fowl adenovirus reporting, and a report on avian metapneumovirus, a notifiable disease that has been confirmed in multiple premises in Ontario. 

The staff highlights section of this newsletter describes some notable staffing changes at AHL.  After 26 years, Nick Schrier is retiring from his role as technical supervisor of the Toxicology laboratory.  We are grateful for Nick’s technical expertise, his willingness to develop new tests for clients, his attention to quality assurance, and his collegiality.  We welcome Jeffrey Charters, currently working in the Toxicology lab, as our new Toxicology supervisor.  Also starting in the AHL Guelph anatomic pathology unit is Dr. Lisa Gordon.  Welcome Jeff and Lisa!  Best wishes as you retire Nick! 

We wish everyone an enjoyable and relaxing summer.


Maria Spinato, Director

Animal Health Laboratory, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON.