Access to Research Centres and Personnel (Tier 2, 4)

Eligible U of G researchers may apply to access OMAFRA-supported research centres and technicians via a Tier 2 or Tier 4 research project. 

Tier 2: Subsidized access to OMAFRA-funded resources

Tier 2 awards provide subsidized access to OMAFRA-supported technicians and research centres. Tier 2 projects must address OMAFRA research priorities. OMAFRA subsidizes 85 percent of the applicable Research Centre Fees for Tier 2 projects. The remaining 15 percent must be covered by external (non-Alliance) partner funding. 

Please note: It is the responsibility of the Lead Applicant to ensure the work is covered by a Ministry-approved, fully awarded Tier 2 project before research centre usage begins to avoid being charged the unsubsidized rate. The Research Centre Manager will confirm award status before research centre access is permitted. Approved Tier 2 projects will have an Award Agreement signed by both the Lead Applicant and Department Chair or designate. A PDF of the signed Tier 2 Award Agreement can be located within the RMS project record under the ‘Agreement’ Tab. 

The Tier 2 program guide is available.

See Tier 2 projects funded in 2020/21

Tier 4: Non-subsidized access to OMAFRA-funded resources

Tier 4 provides non-subsidized access to OMAFRA-supported technicians and research centres.  

The Alliance research program uses the Research Management System (RMS) for receiving and adjudicating research proposals.  

RMS is available at: 

Please contact if you experience any difficulties logging in. 

Research Centre Fees

Researchers proposing to use the research centres must include the appropriate research centre fees in their proposal budgets. 

See our Research Centre Fees Price List for more information.