History: Rethinking the History of Science and Technology in a Global Context | College of Arts

History: Rethinking the History of Science and Technology in a Global Context

Posted on Thursday, April 28th, 2011

Tara Abraham and Sofie Lachapelle are organizing a one-day workshop: "Rethinking the History of Science and Technology in a Global Context" at the University of Guelph on Thursday, May 5th, 2011. The workshop is part of a project funded by the Learning Enhancement Fund to re-envision HIST*1250 “Science and Society Since 1500”.  

Presently the course is an introduction to the historical development of science in Western society from the middle ages to the mid-twentieth century.  The newly envisioned course, “Science and Technology in a Global Context”, will emphasize global awareness as a learning objective, and will focus on the patterns in which scientific knowledge and practices have traveled across cultures, the interconnected but distinct histories of science and technology, and the complex and contested reasons that science has flourished in the West. Speakers at the workshop will be Dr. Suzanne Zeller (Wilfred Laurier University), Dr. Nikolai Krementsov (University of Toronto), Dr. Michelle Murphy (University of Toronto), Dr. Ingrid Hehmeyer (Ryerson University), Dr. Michael Egan (McMaster University), and Dr. Nicholas Dew (McGill University). Please see the website http://www.uoguelph.ca/history/node/1361 for more details. Get the flyer...

Faculty, graduate students and others interested and/or involved in teaching the history of science and technology as well as global or world history welcome. Participation is open but registration is required. Email Jodi Campbell at jcampb02@uoguelph.ca to register.